Mangled //Denis Stoff

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I quickly opened my eyes only to be greeted by a hangover.
"ugh!" I groan, clutching my head. I slowly I make my way out if my room and into the living room.
"kam?" I call out seeing that the room is empty. I make my way to the kitchen and see that there is a cup of coffee and a note on the table.

Hey ass hole, Andy and I went to the store to get stuff  for when we go on tour. I also left you some painkillers because you got pretty pissed last night. Love you, be back soon.
I chuckled as I downed the painkillers and set the cup back down. Ever since kam and I graduated high school we have been living together. Kamryn is now 22, and has been dating Andy ever since senior year. Andy is now is a band called Black Veil Brides, they're good but not my style any more. We go on tour with him every year because him and kam can't go that long without each other.
What's up with me now, you ask? I know you didn't really ask but I just want to tell you. Ever since Denis and I had our fallout I did everything I could to get him out of my head, but I couldn't. He was the only one I ever loved, no matter how much he hurt me.
I kept contact with Serj ever since, we even dated while he was touring with Make Me Famous, it soon ended when Denis found out and threatened to leave the band if we continued to see each other, so we called it off. The last I heard is that Denis officially left the band.
Now, I am currently in the modeling business, with Kamryn as my photographer. She also takes pictures of bands too. Some of the bands she pictures are Black Veil Brides (obviously), Of Mice & Men, Slipknot, and Wage War. Whenever she takes pictures she joins them on tour and I do also, some of them have me model their clothing to help them get bigger, but mainly I'm the lad they like to party with. Currently we are about to go on tour with Asking Alexandria which I was very happy about, even though the last time I hung out or even listened to those cheeky cunts was when Death to Destiny first came out, then they got boring and would hardly party with me anymore. I'm glad to reconnect with the lads again.

When my headache started to dull I went to my room and picked a plain white tee and some skinny jeans that are torn at the knees and some undergarments and made my way to the restroom. I set my clothes on the toilet and turned on the shower, when it was warm I took off my pyjamas and stepped in letting the water stream down me as I washed my hair and body.
"I'm back!" I heard Kamryn's voice by the restroom. I yelled back an OK and finished with my shower.
When all the soap was down the drain I shut off the water and wrapped a towel around my body and one around my hair. I walked over to the mirror and wiped the steam off of it and applied my face creams and then my makeup,when I was finished, I put on my clothes and put the dirty clothes in the hamper, then left the restroom and walked into the living room where Andy was putting Boris, my snake in a bag to feed it. He is the one to feed Boris because Kam and I can't stand to look of that cute little mouse.
"hey you excited for tour? " Andy asked me when he closed the bag, turning to me. I smiled and nodded.
" yea, I miss my British ass holes." I chuckled as I searched the sacks for some liquor. (ironic that that was the 666th word haha!)
"kam!" I groaned "where is the alcohol?" I asked. She walked into the kitchen and laughed.
"I didn't get any." I looked at her as my jaw dropped.
"what? Why?!" I asked.
"because I was thinking of having a sober week before we go on tour and then you can get totally shit faced." she chuckled. I groaned and grabbed the car keys.
"I'm going to the store, oh and you also forgot the ice cream." I called out.
"you're not supposed to have ice cream!" Andy and Kamryn yelled.
"well my manager can literally go suck himself off because I want some fucking ice cream." I said, closing the door and getting into my car. (I literally told a sixth grader to suck off because he messed around with my 145$ makeup pallet, yea I'm pretty hardcore) as I was on my way to the store I quickly hooked up my phone to the stereo and put on Black Bear, singing along to dirty laundry. I rolled down my window and started to scream the lyrics.
"my girl don't want me cos on my dirty laundry!" I sang off key. I earned a couple of hoots from my neighbours and I just laughed and waved.

"hey Dale!" I say as I make my way into the little store.
"How's it hanging, Liz?" he asked, rearranging the things on top of the counter.
"have a major hangover." I chuckle, grabbing a shopping cart, making my way to the alcohol and he followed me like a puppy.
"'best cure for a hangover is just getting pissed the next morning' famous words from Elizabeth Harmon." he said laughing. Yes I use my father's last name, Harmon. Sounds way classy instead of Cartalone. Actually that's sounds pretty bitchin Elizabeth Cartalone. Greetings, I am Elizabeth Cartalone, mhm yes, indubitably. Business business business. I made myself laugh hah! I laughed along with him as I put 3 bottles of vodka in the cart, along with a bottle of Canadian whisky.
"I gotta get back to work." he said, looking at what was in my cart. I chuckled and kissed his cheek, letting him do what he does. As I was about to make my way to the frozen section I accidentally bumped into someone.
"oh my god I am sorry." I tell the person. The person looked down at me and started to smile, while my heart stopped.
"oh hey it's OK." he said in that achingly familiar Ukrainian accent of his. I quickly put on my smile I used for the cameras.
"great." I said as I started to move away but he quickly started talking.
"that's a lot of liquor for a pretty little lady like you." he winked. I felt bile in my throat but I swallowed it down. Does he really not remember me!?
"what can I say. A girl needs her alcohol." I said, deciding that I needed a bottle of Jack Daniels and some Mango Schnapps. When I put them in my cart he chuckled.
"um well I have to go." I said, clearly uncomfortable.
"well if you need someone to share all that alcohol with, I'd be glad to help you out" he smirked. I was clearly taken aback, he was never this straight forward. People clearly change, but damn.
"um my room mate doesn't like people over when she has things to do the next morning" I said as I started to walk to the counter.
"hey Liz, this guy bothering you?" Dale asked, standing straight and eyeing Denis. He wasn't as tall as him but he was clearly more built than him.  When I looked at Denis, he was looking at me, shock clearly written on his face.
"no, babe. He's fine. Can you get me a pa-" he interrupted me as he pulled out the pack of cigs I usually get. I started to set my alcohol onto the counter when  he stopped me.
"you know you can't buy this much on you own." Dale said, frowning.
"oh some of that is mine, I didn't get a cart so I put some in her cart, my hands were full." he said flashing his amazingly terrible smile. My stomach knotted up as I sent him a smile. When I looked back at Dale he was looking at Denis with skeptical eyes.
"okay." Dale sighed as he started to scan the drinks that I told him were mine.
When he finally checked us out he put everything in a bag.
"don't get too drunk tonight, babe." he said as I leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"I won't, if I do I'll call you." I said winking. He chuckled and waved us off. When Denis and I got outside I quickly took my bottles if of his bag and put them in mine. As I was about to leave he cleared his throat.
"is he your boyfriend?" he asked, clearly disappointed I wasn't planning to be his hook up for the night. I chuckled and shook my head.
"no, let's just say he's a really good friend." I say chuckling. I totally scammed him out of like 50 bucks, I'm pretty hardcore. He smiled and looked down.
"oh, well you're really friendly then." he chuckled. I shrugged and looked at him. His stupid hair swaying across his stupid forehead, he clearly grew it out since I last saw him, he's  wearing a bro tank showing his new tattoos, along with the diamond one him and I got as a matching set (I'm sure I didn't write it in the first book but they did lol. They got drunk after Make Me Famous' first gig and Denis and Elizabeth got matching diamond tattoos because they were cliché). His was on his bicep while mine was on my ankle, thank god I'm wearing jeans.
"nice tattoos, by the way." I told him, it's true, they were really good.
"oh, thanks, I like yours too." he said. Yea I became an ink addict.
"thanks, I have a lot more but yea." I quickly checked my phone and acted like I got a text message.
"oh, man. I uh- I have to go." I squeaked. I really need to get better at lying. Denis looked at me for a long moment before shaking the dazed look off his face.
"you remind me of someone, I just can't put it." he murmured, his eyes seem pained and distant.
"I hope that's good?" I half ask. He smiles small and nods.
"yea, she was something." he chuckled softly, as if thinking of the past life he used to have. I smiled as I started to walk away.
"good bye, Denis." I say as I turn my car on, put on Natalie Merchant and drive away from the past that is trying to catch up with me.

Mistakes // Denis Stoff Where stories live. Discover now