Chapter 3

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It was Monday morning in 1st block at school. The teacher came in class and said "ok class you can sit where ever you want today"

Me and Jamie looked right at each other and made the weirdest faces we could think of. We sat beside each other. Next thing I know someone is tapping on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Cayden looking down at me he said "is this seat takin" pointing to the seat behind me.

"No, go right ahead!"

"Thank you Kyaday!"

It was about 30min in to class when Cayden tapped on my shoulder again.

"Yes?" I said turning around

"Sorry but do you have a pen?"

"Ya here" I said handing him the pen. Our hand touched and we held our hands there for about 5 seconds then I pulled back! I could feel my checks turning red!


It was 8:45 pm and my phone lit up my dark bedroom and it almost fell off my nightstand from the vibrating. I picked it up and was blinded my the bright light shining from my phone. When my eyes adjusted my heart stopped for a second. It was Cayden!

Cayden: hey Kyaday!!(;

Me: Hey;)

Cayden: how was your day?!?!

Me: Great! You?

Cayden: Great!! Especially 1st block!:)

Me: Ya first block was fun!

Cayden: I have a question!

Me: Sure shoot!

Cayden: Will you go out with me!

Me: Yes!!:) I would love too!!

Cayden: Well I got to get some sleep night!!


After I lay my phone back down I looked up at my ceiling and just smiled!:) I can't believe I'm going out with Cayden!!

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