Newt - Maze Runner

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This one's also from me.
Is it bad that I write these things in class?

I ran into the maze, I saw Alby carrying Newt.

"Newt?!" I screamed.

The walls were about to close, Alby ran through just before they shut.

"He tried to kill himself" Alby sighed sadly.

"Newt, are you okay" I cried.

I felt his head, he was burning up "I'll carry him to the hut, you have to monitor him" he said.

Sometimes my job as med-jack is hard, especially being the only girl in this bugging place, plus I'm not allowed to let my emotions get the better of me.

As soon as he laid Newt down on the bed, I got to work.

I found a rag, that we usually use as a flannel and I wet it.

Then I folded it and put it on his forehead.

Next I tended to his leg wounds, I bandaged his leg and then examined it, it looks really badly sprained.

He opened his eyes "Newt, you have to rest" I commanded.

"I want to die, I hate this shucking place! I. HATE. IT!" he yelled.

"Newt, you need to calm down" I said running my hands through his hair.

Newt's comment hurt her more then he thought.

"Newt, you have friends- You have something to live for" I said sadly, but tried to suppress my emotions.

"Do I?" he asked.

"Newt, there's something I need to tell you, it's not out of pity or anything- It's the truth" I said anxiously.

"Spit it out" he said raising his voice.

"I- I love you" I said confidently.

"You what? This has to be some buggin' joke- really?" he asked confused.

"Newt, I'm not lying, it hurts to see you like this" I sighed sadly.

"I never knew, I- I never would've jumped if I knew, shucking hell" he sighed.

I walked up to him and sat on his bed.

"You know, I shucking love you too" he smiled.

That smile had an amazing impact on her, she felt happy again, she felt happy for him.

I gave him a big hug.

He kissed me, for once he actually felt happy, I'm so happy that he likes me back.

"J- Just promise me that you won't do that ever again" I frowned.

"I promise you slinthead, I promise" he smiled.

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