Chapter 13 "Clove vs. Ambrosia"

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Clove’s PoV

Nearly the whole school was crowding around Ambrosia and I, while she yells out angrily at me.

“You tried to kiss him. Ha.” She says a lot more calmly. “Funny joke. Like you’ve got any chance.”

“He dumped you so I don’t think you’ve got a chance either.” I cross my arms.

“We didn’t break up.” She scoffs.

“Oh yes you did. I was there.” I argue.

“At least I’m popular.” She cackles.

“More like stuck-up.” I mutter under my breath.

“What did you just say?” Her face goes red hot in anger.

“You heard me.” I smirk. Her hand strikes me across the face. Well, now I’ve been slapped. She really enjoys slapping people.

I couldn’t control myself, I felt so angry. I pull my knife out of my belt and jump on top of her. Sure, she was bigger than me, like everyone was but I was skilled with knives. My arm brings itself down on hers and it bleeds all over the ground.

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” I hear chanting go around everywhere. I continue stabbing her on her arm but I couldn’t get myself to kill her. Suddenly a man, around his forties, with the same hair colour as Ambrosia, pulls me back.

“How dare you even touch my daughter?” He holds me up by my shirt. My eyes circle around and I see Cato along with Blade and his friend, Thorne. Cato moves towards Ambrosia’s dad and throws his fist at his face. He falls on his knees and is now out of consciousness. I feel my body falls safely into Cato’s arms.

“You okay, Clover?” He asks.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I smile and gaze while being caught up in the moment.

Ambrosia gets herself up and holds her shoulder.

“Cato baby, she attacked me.” She whines.

“Piss off, Ambrosia.” Cato spits. She gasps as her father awakens.

“I’ll get you both for this, just you wait.” He grabs his phone out of his pocket and dials 911. The ambulance arrives and just after, the Peacekeepers. Everyone in the school left and Cato and I were escorted somewhere with the Peacekeepers.

Cato’s PoV

“That was pretty cool don’t you think?” I whisper in her ear while we sit in a white room.

“Yeah.” She says while cleaning her knife off with a cloth. “Thanks for saving me.”

“We’re partners, I’ll always have your back.” I say nicely although I knew she still hated me. She smiles and a Peacekeeper barges in.

“So what happened, give it to me straight.” He interrogates.

“We were just practicing.” Clove says innocently. I decide to go along with it.

“We’re students from the Training Academy.” I add in.

“I see. Well, I’ll call your parents up. Last names?” He says.


“Hadley.” The Peacekeeper leaves the room and brings in two other Peacekeepers.

“Looks like they already work here.” He comments and exits.

“You two always make trouble.” My dad remarks snidely.

“I agree.” Clove’s dad says. “Although, both of them would make great victors.”

“That’s next year, dad.” She replies.

“C’mon let’s get home.”

“You’ve still got a thing for her, don’t you?” My dad says out of the blue.

“Yeah, honestly, I’ve always had.” I answer.

“So what was the fight about?”

“I’m not sure but it was with my ex, Ambrosia.”

“Oh, that girl? She was annoying.”

“You thought so too?”

“I’ve always liked you with Clove.” I chuckle and he smiles.

“Thanks.” I open the door and walk in. I quickly get upstairs and change my clothes. I glance at the window and see Clove checking out the bloodstain on her shirt.

“You might want to wash that off!” I yell out, startling her.

She smiles. “You don’t say?” She replies sarcastically then closes the blinds. I could go to sleep now knowing she didn’t hate me as much anymore.


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