Chapter 16 "Only the Beginning"

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Cato’s PoV

Once I drop Clove off at her house, I head back home. My mum was sitting alone at one end of the dining table in dead silence, with only my footsteps echoing through the hall.

“There you are. I having something for you.” A smile creeps up on her face.

“Hm?” I mumble.

“Here.” She hands me a small black box. I open it up to find my mum’s old engagement ring.

“Why are you giving me this?” I ask politely.

“I want you to give it to the girl you love, it is going to be your final days together.” She encloses it in the palms of my hands.

“Thanks.” I murmur silently. I decide to plan something special for Clove, just for when I ask her to marry me.


Clove’s PoV

Reaping in one day, I was excited but partially sad because I had to leave my family and friends behind. I was confident that I would be crowned victor but I had one major milestone, Cato. No one can kill the one person they have ever loved and I wouldn’t even think it would be worth it winning without him. I still wasn’t sure if we were friends or rivals anymore, we had the same usual teasing but it was friendly. I considered him maybe just as friendly competition. I hear small, faint clangs on my window and I head over to see all the commotion. It was Cato, throwing small rocks with terrible aim at my window. I open the window and look down at him.

“You can stop now.” I chuckle. He throws another rock and it bounces off my rosy, left cheek.

‘Hurry up then Clover, its our last day of training.”

“I’m coming giant!” I answer while picking up my bag filled with my set of knives and bolting out of the house.

“Finally.” He says in relief.

“I wasn’t that slow.” I roll my eyes.

“I was just kidding.” He smiles.

“I know. Just don’t throw rocks at my window, it’s going to end up breaking.” I pause. “Oh yeah, and at me.”

“Haven’t you heard the quote, people throw rocks at things that shine?”

“I don’t shine.” I say.

“To me you do.” He flirts.

“Shut up.” I give him a light slap on his arm.

“I’ll see you after training at our place?” He asks nicely.

“Sure.” I reply and take my knives out of my bag to start throwing them.

Cato’s PoV

A few hours later, I get bored, as it was nearly the end of our training session. I really should use my time more wisely but I couldn’t help but gaze at Clove accurately throwing her knives at the targets. I begin to walk past her and she notices. She throws another knife and it flies, nearly hitting the head trainer’s head. I swear that was the first target she has ever missed in years. He gives an almost death glare but she rolls her eyes casually.

“Good aiming there, Clover.” I tease. Now she gives me a death glare but I just smirk. I decide to train again but this time in hand-to-hand combat. The trainer blows the whistle and I grab my opponent then push him to the ground. He punches me in the gut and then in the face. I stumble over and fall on my side. I look up to see Clove laughing hysterically at me.

“Attention students, you will all be invited to our celebration of the Hunger Games tonight. Thank you.” The head trainer says. Clove does a slight smile and grabs her bag to head out. I take a few minutes for my recovery then walk after her.

Clove’s PoV

I set my bag down on the bench and sit down next to it. I enjoy the breeze that blows my brown hair freely in the wind. The sound of grass crunching beneath someone’s feet gets into my ears. I turn my head slightly and spot Cato walking up to me, with a very hopeful look on his face.



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