Chapter 1

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Hermione's POV

When we got on the train, Ginny and I found an empty compartment. Unfortunately, Harry and Ron didn't want to redo their last year at Hogwarts, even though they had been invited by Headmistress McGonagall, so it was just me and Ginny for now.

Oh and did I mention? I'm Head Girl!! Oh Merlin it's always been my dream and now it's come true! But I wonder who Head Boy will be, maybe Terry Boot from Ravenclaw. I wore my badge proudly even before changing into my robes.

"Hermione?" Ginny asked me.

"Hm?" I answered back- I guess I was still a little lost in thought.

"In our letter, McGonagall said that there's a new class offered for the seventh years, but she didn't say what it was. And there's no book for it."

"Oh, well I can ask her when I go to the Head Compartment," I suggested. Ginny smiled.

"Alright Gin, I'll be back soon," I said, standing up and leaving the compartment.

When I entered the compartment, I saw a boy with platinum blonde hair with his back towards me. Crap. There's only one person in all of Hogwarts with that kind of hair.

"Ah Miss Granger, thank you for joining us. Please sit down," McGonagall greeted. When she said my name, I noticed the boy stiffen.

"As you know, you are this year's Head Girl, and the Head Boy is Mr. Malfoy here," McGonagall continued. I was in a mild shock. How could she choose that ferret as Head Boy after everything he'd done to terrorize her and her friends?? He fought with Voldemort and yet that gives him the reward of being Head Boy??

"Pardon me Headmistress,  but why exactly is Malfoy Head Boy?" I asked forcefully.

"Trust me Granger, I'm not too happy about it either" Malfoy muttered. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Miss Granger, I believe that Mr.    Malfoy has a fair chance of redemption, and I'd like to explore that possibility," McGonagall replied. I scoffed quietly at this. Redemption. What crap.

I suddenly remembered that Ginny wanted to know what the new class was. "Headmistress," I said again. "I understand that there will be a new class that we're all enrolled in-What is that class exactly?"

"If you must know everything Miss Granger," McGonagall started, but was interrupted by Malfoy.

"Which she does." I shot him death glares.

"Anyway," she continued, "It will be a parenting class for seventh years only. I will elaborate after the feast tonight. Now, off you go."

I stood up and strode out the door. I admit, my behavior towards McGonagall wasn't customary, but the war changed me and made me bolder.

"Well Granger, seems like you're lucky enough to spend extra time with me," Malfoy's voice rang from behind.

"Get away from me Malfoy! You ruined my life once and I won't let you do it again!" I shot back.

But he looked really calm. "Suit yourself." And he walked off.

I was surprised. We almost had a civil conversation. He hadn't called me a Mudblood or a know-it-all.

While I was still deep in thought, I heard an angry female voice yell, "Draco Lucius Malfoy! What in Merlin's name is wrong with you!"

I walked towards the compartment. After all, it was my duty as Head Girl to keep people in line.

I opened the compartment door to find Astoria Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, and Malfoy in hysterics. When they saw me, they fell silent.

"Excuse me, but I'd advise you to keep the noise down while on the train," I awkwardly said.

Theodore just rolled his eyes at me. "Oh come on Granger, don't be such a goody-two-shoes! We're just having fun."

"Yeah! Now go away, you're stinking up the compartment with your dirty blood!" Pansy yelled. I noticed everyone else shoot her death glares and I was really confused.

Nonetheless, I felt my face turn beet red and aggressively said, "Watch your tongue Parkinson." And I left.

Oh Merlin, this is going to be a long year.

A/N Hi guys!!! Yes I'm starting another Dramione fanfiction! I have a gut feeling though that this one will be better than the last because it's definitely not as rushed or anything. Also, I'm trying to incorporate all the basic Dramione fic concepts (i.e. parenting class, Head Boy/Head Girl, friends with Slytherins). Hope you guys enjoy it! But don't worry, I'm still continuing my Marauders fanfic :)

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