Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Do you still think it was a good idea to put N and Amos in the same group?" Archy asked White as she tinkered with her pistol.

"No, I don't," she admitted, looking up at her Arcanine. "But Amos was the best choice, plus I actually get along with him.

Two days had passed since the group of trainers had split into groups. White was currently on Route 6, and were trying to find their way back to Route 7. Amos, N, and herself were still traveling together, but things weren't exactly going smoothly. N kept treating Amos terribly. He was making life a bit difficult for the younger trainer, and hissed him threats behind White's back. After scolding N about his behavior, she had sent her brother and friend out to see what was ahead. They had not returned yet.

Archy sighed and rested his head on his paws. His ears kept twitching every time the pistol made a clicking noise as she fiddled with it.

"Why do you even have that with you?" the Arcanine growled, rolling onto his back irritability.

"It's just a safety precaution, don't worry," she assured him, putting a pokeball in the gun and setting it down.

One thing White was known for was her pokeball pistol. While regular guns shot out bullets, her pistol shot out pokeballs. The pistol had been made by Sky Blue, who had taken a regular gun and modified it to shoot out pokeballs as well as bullets. The idea had come from seeing gym leaders or Elite Four members who had modified their pokeballs to other weapons, like nunchucks, shurikens, and bows and arrows. She didn't use it unless facing extremely powerful or large opponents.

The tall grass rustled loudly as three pokemon entered the area that White and the two boys had occupied. Raichu, Zoroark, and Packs were all panting and huffing from both anger and exhaustion.

"I never want to be stuck with this werewolf again!" Raichu groaned, flopping down on the ground next to White.

"Well it's no picnic for me either, princess!" snapped Zoroark, jumping up onto a low hanging branch and laying down.

White wasn't entirely surprised to hear this. When she, N, Raichu, and Zoroark were little, they had all gotten along just fine. But Raichu had turned more hostile toward her old friend the older she got, especially after being brainwashed. Her attitude hadn't changed much.

"Did N behave?" White asked Raichu, changing the subject.

"I think so, he didn't talk much," the Mouse Pokemon replied, looking up toward the place in the trees they had come from. "Then again, they are a bit behind. We weren't going that fast."

"He's probably lingering back to give Kissy Boy a few death threats." The trainer heard Packs mutter quietly.

She rolled her eyes just as N and Amos came into the clearing. Her older brother avoided looking at White or Amos as he walked past them, Rapi trotting behind him.

"So how did it go? And please, don't just ignore me." She added irritability.

"It wasn't too bad," Amos told her quietly as he and Liliana came over. "At the end of this route, there's a castle that was turned into a museum."

"Well maybe we should visit it before going back to Route 7," White suggested. "Of course, we might have to disguise you, Ne-Ne."

N scowled as White used his annoying nickname before telling his sister, "No, it's fine, you and your friend just go on ahead."

"Are you sure about that?" she asked, glancing from one boy to the other. "I'm sure it won't be too much trouble if we find some way-"

"You don't need me to slow you down, ok? But take Zoroark with you if you two go."

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