Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

(Sorry for the wait! Again, it usually takes a while for me to write the first few chapters. My Wattpad app just updated so I'm still trying to get use to this new writing area. I'm REALLY nervous about this chapter, so I hope it's ok ;/ )

"Arianna, Sunny Day!" Amos shouted to the baby Growlithe. Arianna barked and shot a ball of fire into the air. The contest hall brightened up immensely as the fire glowed and swirled above. The crowd below roared with delight, but he heard some yells of dislike.

Arianna wagged her tail rapidly before skipping back over to Amos. He saw two of the three other contestants glare at him or shoot him filthy looks.

"Why are they looking at us that way?" Arianna whispered in Amos' ear as the next round began a second later.

"They're the opposition, they're not supposed to like us," Amos told her quietly as a boy and his Machoke stepped into the center of the stage.

"I don't really blame them after that last contest..." he added under his breath, more to himself than to the Growlithe.

Amos' and Arianna's previous contest had been a disaster. Arianna had been very clumsy and accidentally attacked some of the other pokemon. They had only gotten third place because one of the coordinators had to leave in the middle of the contest.

The audience exploded in cheers for the first two coordinators. The boy with the Machoke was already a popular coordinator and the other two coordinators had more experience than Amos did.

Then one of the big monitors at the back of the stadium showed that he and Arianna were next. The baby Growlithe barked before darting toward the center of the stage to face the audience.

"Use Overheat!" Amos commanded Arianna after a second.

Arianna glowed red as she shot white flames out of her open mouth. The fiery orb made from the Sunny Day was still shining above her so the move became even more powerful. The tower of flames surrounded Arianna and the crowd went wild. Amos saw one of the girl contestants giggle and give a small noise of longing while watching Arianna. The boy with the Machoke glared at her and shot a dirty look at Amos.

The final round finished after Arianna's turn and the judges began counting up the scores. The baby Growlithe was standing obediently next to Amos. Her tail was wagging wildly but she was standing up straight.

"We have now counted up the points," a female voice finally announced after a few minutes. "In fourth place we have Susan and Daisy!"

The girl who had been admiring Arianna squeaked as her name had been called. The Sunflora standing behind her gave a small cry of disappointment, but gave a small smile at the audience as the crowd clapped politely.

"Third place is Kate and Leon!" the announcer said next.

The girl on Amos' other side blushed as her name was called. Her Lilipup barked and wagged its tail, skipping happily around its trainer.

"Second place is Chaz and Macherie!"

The boy looked furious about coming in second place and his Machoke didn't look too happy either. The crowd's clapping grew louder with every name called.

"And the winner of today's Beauty Contest is Amos and Arianna!"

Arianna howled and bounced onto Amos the second after their names were called. He yelped and collapsed under her weight. Some of the audience laughed but clapped loudly.

"Arianna, get off!" He panted as he tried to pull the baby Growlithe off his chest. But she was clinging to his jacket and licking his face. He saw the boy, Chaz, beckon to his Machoke and climbed down from the stage. The girl and her Lilipup followed a moment later, shooting a small glare at Amos.

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