Chapter 6

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Elizabeth POV

I was getting my books in my locker for 5th period. I closed my locker and almost peed my pants. It was Caroline. Caroline has just been standing there the whole time

"Holy shit!" I said jumping. The made my books all fall. "Caroline! Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry." She said crouching down to help me with my books. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well I heard from Shane, who heard from Mary, who heard from Andrea, who heard from Christian, who heard from Cathy That manboob Daniel almost killed you!I'm gonna kill him!I am gonna hang him by the balls and cut them off then show it to him and wear it as a keychain !!!!!"

"Ok, ok Caroline breath in breath out."

She sighed and inhaled.

"What was I here for again?...... Oh yeah!!!! I wanted to introduce you to my friend Emily she's new in school."

I almost laughed at how bipolar she is.

Just now I noticed the pale black hair girl behind Caroline

Emily's POV

So Caroline introduced me  to the girl that was dating Tyler, he was a good family friend. He was my first boyfriend in 9th grade. It ended because I had to move away. I actually thought he was going to wait. But obviously he didn't.

Tyler approached Elizabeth and put his arm around Elizabeth.

"Hey El." He said to her.

When he turned to us a face of pure shock crossed Tyler's face when he saw me.

Caroline gave me face that she understood.

"Uh. Me and Emily, yeah , we gotta go, like
now" said Caroline

"wait I gotta talk to you carol don't go." Elizabeth said

"But we have to go "


All this while Tyler looked extremely uncomfortable
"We just have to." Caroline said

"Carol. I need to talk to you."

And all of a sudden Caroline screamed,"I HAVE MY PERIOD !!!"

And she ran off pulling me with her .

Very short. So sorry.

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