Chapter 26

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Caroline POV

" Rick help me !"

Rick our driver helped Elizabeth with her luggage while I sat on mine with my arms crossed .

" Why so pouty ?"
Shane asked

I just ignored him . I can't believe I'm spending so much time in a whole different country with all these morons .

" Come on Linny !"

With that I got my stuff and boarded our private jet .

I sat in a seat by myself and put my headphones on and blasted Arctic monkeys .

The plane took off and I grabbed a bag of peanuts .

Then someone pulled the headphone off

" HEY !"

It was the armpit

" What do you want "

" I wanted to talk about the kiss -"

" Shut it "

" But -"

" Shhh"

" I just -"

" Apap pap , shut it "

I just put my headphones back on and listened to music

What an idiot . He didn't move . I just grabbed another bag of peanuts .

After a few hours it was night , and I fell asleep . I had the BEST DREAM , so I was in a shoe store operated by one direction and all the boys from 1-D and 5 sos where fighting over me. But it soon got ruined when I woke up .

I was cuddled up to Zach ....I mean , Armpit . And he snored . Very unattractive . I tried to get his arm off me , why did it feel so muscular , like Channing Tatum's ........ Ew Caroline ! Ew ! Don't you ever compare Channing to the armpit !

After LITERALLY one hour of trying to get out of his grip and when I finally did Tyler pulled me into his seat and hugged me like a teddy bear .

This was gonna be a long flight

Elizabeth's POV

Ok look there is 3 seats in a row in the private jet. Me and Cathy got on one of the rows. I promise Cathy she can get the window. So I sat in the middle. Chris walked by and sat next to me.

"I hope you don't mind" he said.

"No, problem" I said trying to keep it together.

A few hours later it got dark. Everybody fell asleep except me of course. I was tired so I put my head on Chris's shoulder. I only put it there because I didn't know where to put my head , OKAY!

I finally fell asleep.

Caroline POV

I once again Struggled to get out of someone's grip , after a while I just gave up and went back to sleep .

Maybe I'll dream about 1-D again .

After a while of sleeping we all woke up we where only 2 hours away .

Zach walked by our row and imedeatly stopped when he saw me and Tyler .

" You have . five .fucking . Seconds to get .your .hands .off her . "

When I looked a where Tyler's hands were , I understood . His hands where a bit to the north and a bit to the south .

Tyler quickly took his hands off , But I wanted to get on the armpits nerves .

I grabbed Tyler's hand and put them where they were .

I stook my tongue out at Zach .
Tyler got what I was doing and he just smirked and happily close his eyes .

Zach was about to grab me when Shane stepped in and took Tyler by the ear and took him into the bathroom .

Shane POV


" No look I can explain "

What's he gonna explain ? That all this time he just wanted to get close to my sister and then he would trow me off a balcony and tell my sister I ran away and then keep her all to himself ?!

" dude what the shit ? No"

Oops did I say that aloud

" We where just messing with Zach "

" Hmmmm ...... Well, ok whatever , but if I ever see that again I'm punching you "

" Haha ok dude "

We came out of he bathroom

" Well you guys took long , wonder what you where doing "said Zach

I just hit him in the Stomach

What a moron

Emily POV

I had the best time in this flight !

I cuddled with Shane who was a really good cudler . And I ate a bunch of strawberries ! And it was awesome !

A whole thing happened between Zach Tyler and Caroline and Cathy , Elizabeth , Sebastian and Chris just slept the whole time


Caroline POV

We got down from the plane .
Thank the lord

If you've ever been out of the country I think you can relate to the fact that each country has their own smell and feeling .

I LOVE Italy's .

It was so relaxing to finally land and enjoy .

But It was soon ruined .

I saw someone I did NOT want to see and I needed to hide .

I looked around and quickly grabbed a lady's hat and put it on my head , but this wasn't enough. I had to look for a better thing I quickly went and kissed the nearest person .

It was a really hot Italian guy he looked about 21 but who cares I needed to hide. I kissed him for about 10 seconds and stopped when I made sure that the person was gone

I let out a sigh of relief when I look back Shane is about to start screaming at me but I quickly explain to him and he just nods .

" Why did you do that ?!"
Screamed Zach

" Cause I felt like it "

Zach just goes up to the guy and punches him in the face and then we head out and get into the car .

Don't judge me people ! I have my reasons okay! I'm actually wiser than any of my friends . Do you see ME crying all night over a guy?

Umm ...... I DONT THINK SO.


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