Chapter 52

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Hey guys! This is the last official chapter of Love Happens! After this there will be an Epilogue. I know, I know I'm crying as well. This chapter is kind of a filler chapter. Thank you guys for reading this book and I love you all!

On other news we are writing a new book! I hope you guys will enjoy that one too. It will be better written and more elaborated than this one. We will write soon.
Happy Reading

Btw: I know the football season is in fall but this is a fictional book so go along with it.


Caroline POV:

"Gooooo! Yes! Yes! Come on Bump and Run! Bump and run!"

"Caroline were going to half time" I took in a breath and drank some water to soothe my throat, which was sore from screaming.

"Emily do you have change for 10?" I asked looking at Emily who was sitting to my right. She opened her bag and scrambled around it till she found two five dollar bills.

"Thanks, I'm buying snacks. Want anything?"

She shook her head and smiled. I smiled back, slid out of my seat and made my way to the snack stand. We were at a football game supporting our school. Don't you dare ask since when do I have school spirit. Because I kinda of have it since my boyfriend joined the team and became its quarterback. Go Lions! And see I didn't flinch at the word boyfriend?

Progress. We're making progress.

It's been a couple of months since the...Incident. And everyone's been...coping. Emily suffered of depression for a while and took my brother with her. I did make Carla take down everything and me and Zach managed to shut everyone up with a few threats. Her parents managed to get a high position in a trading company and they're doing extremely well. I think the worst part was Rose's funeral. That's when Emily accepted she was gone. Rose had left a letter and gave it to Daniel. Weird right? The letter specifically said not to give it to us until Emily absolutely reached her breaking point, she eventually did and that resulted in Daniel ringing her doorbell, setting the letter in the porch and leaving without a word.

Here is the letter because I bet you are dying of curiosity:

January 28th   2:09 am

Hey Em,

I pretty sure your supposed to say dear but that sounds weird. I have  a lot to say so settle in and read.

If your reading this I am currently dancing in the clouds with Elvis. I swear Emily Smith if you are moping around all day and not going out with that hot boyfriend of your's, I will pull your feet while you sleep. I'm writing at this hour because everyone is asleep and I need to concentrate. Also because Zach normally takes a walk around this time of night. But mostly to focus. Now I want you to go slap mom and dad and tell them to get their butts moving and find an awesome job. I also want you to settle things with Daniel, I want you to go tell your boyfriend you love him and most of all I want you to continue living. Please Emily let me rest in peace and get yourself together. God knows I'm probably trying to get you to hear me from up here.

You can't just give up. If you do, I don't who I'm writing this to because my sister doesn't give up. You have always been the strong one and I'm sorry I couldn't be the same. Who am I kidding I'm awesome. But I am serious. I know you're probably tearing up and staining the paper, please don't mess the letter up just jet. There is more to it.

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