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dan fealz arkwared abowet wort hapund but alsew ver ver hornie

fil feals th saem but mor hornie bcoz he saw danz penise

dan iz in luv with fil n he iz saddned bye wot hapned bcoz it woz a bitt imbarising 4 him n he finks fil wil neva luv him noew

fil iz in hiz bedroem tht dan gav bak cos he tuched hiz penise in ther n fil findz it sxc he iz reelizing al th things dan haz don n how nise he iz n hoe koole hi iz n hoe HOTE HE IS fil fiels sad coz dan probz dosent liek him bcos fil fiels 4 him alot

danz wacshing gai poren on hiz leptop riyt now n he fowend 1 tht luks liek him n fil fukin he lieks it a lot so he tuches his penise n say

'ooh wow fil ur hanz r majikul' he sez it a lil lowed n gets scred tht fil herd bcuz tht wud be imbaresing

fil heerz it lowed n cleer n he getz hornie kwite a lot n disides to lisun awtside hiz dore he alreddy haz a bonere n he noks on danz dore n sez

'den ken i cum ine i no wht ur doeing'

dan paniks he is scred bcuz hiz penise is oet in th opene

'fil noe iz note th tiem ugh' dan moens it n goez red coz he moend it butt fil is vry ver hornie noe coz he moend it

'dan i no ur tuchin urpenise i can her it slosching n i ken here ur gai poren sew lett mi ine or i wil smasch th dore dowen'

'whta th fuk fil im watchsing frends gette of my kase' dan s suspishus bcoz fil iz sayn it in a grumbley wey tht turens hime on

'dan i ken pik a lok i hav a hare slid heer n im gona unlok ur door' he slids th hare slid in n gijjels it aboet a lil sew th dore openz dan gazps bcoz heis tuching hiz penise n washing gai poren
fil iz luking @ danz penise n he sez in hiz brein wow itz bigge

'whut th fuke fil y r u lukin @ mi penise r u a homosexual'

'i em a danozexual' fil sez n he luks in2 danz browen eyz witch r big n wide lik hiz penise

'wot doz tht mene' dan sez butt he kindu noes

'it meenz im atractud 2 u emoshonly n fisicully n zexuily'

danz penise getz hardre n he stanz up

filz penise getz hardre n he stripz n hiz nipz r nise thinx den hoo iz alreddy neked

'ken wee hev sex pls fil' dan dozent nede 2 no coz fil iz neked witch meens he probs wonts 2 have zex

'i wunt 2 b insied of u danie boi' sez fil

'kool' sez dan

fil sprintz tuwords den in a hornie wey n dan runz towerdz fil n theyre lips crush 2gever n dan feels elektrisity goin though hiiz bodie n so doz fil

'ur so frikin hotte dan' fil sey bitween kizzes

'cud sey th saem 4 u' dan iz reddy

thy hav zex n stufe

dan weks upe th nexzt mornin wiv a horibulle fought


dan n phils nice adventureWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu