'wtf fil y did u not waer prutectshun' dan wuz mad liek a mad hattah
'weave bofe bean chequed 4 dizeezes n i didt exactlie no tht u wer guna get pregnunt coz thts liek imposibul' fil fealt a bitt sad coz dan woz a stoopid fuk
'wel i jus kinuh throut dat u new dued' dan woz a fukin idiut coz hoo wud thinc he wud gette pregnante n hav a baybie buffaloe no1 throut tht
'fuk u dan y didt u tel me ur a bad frend'
'butt fil i throut wi wer mor thn frens' dan woz slepe deprivd n high frum al th wede he smokd insid th shoppe wher they got th pergnantshy tezt
'dan ur hi so stfu' fil want hi coz he wus bean responsibble 'n doent smok cuz ull kil da bebe'
'th baer on th pregnant tezt is tellin me 2 pit my hanz in th toylet coz therz treshure in ther' hiz eyz r red n half cloezd
'stfu dan go 2 bed'
dan wen 2 bed coz fil thru him ther n then fil wen 2 th kischen n got a drinc of vodca coz he woz sad cuz he iz guna get a babie bufallo than fil finkz off a gud idia he finkz hi ken du a abortian on dan az he slepes
he crepez in2 danz roem wit a cloths rael n sez
'shite wot am oi dooeig' he iz scred
thn he remburz tht hez alsew hi sew he goes oetside n pizzes in a guttah wit hiz penise n taeks al his cloths of cos hez hi liek a bird
fil goz bak 2 th apartmant n findz dan @ th tabel cryin wiv sum vodca
'y did hi leeve me jus coz im preg wiv a bufaloe in mi tummeh'
'wtf dan y r u purpel n potatoz' fil sez coz thatz wot it luks liek
'mi luv y did u go iv bean weighting soling'
'i jus pizzt ina guttah n strped i cam bac'
'fil u wer gon 3 munthz'
dan n phils nice adventure
Fanfictiondan iz in luv with fil will fil fall 4 dan? n wot wil hapen rede 2 fiend owet. . . ,