Chapter 6: Unexpected friendship

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             I didn't exactly know what to do but as they came closer I started to run with Grace. Only to be cornered by a man with a long beard and two others.

"Let's play around for a bit" One of the guys said. He tried to grab Grace but I slapped his hand away.

"Come on Baby" He smelled of alcohol and continued to sway back and forth. That's when I saw it.

I knew then that one of us could get away if they didn't see the opening at the same time I did. Quickly I pushed Grace through the opening.

"Run Grace!" Grace looked frozen but when I yelled at her again she got the message. Beard guy began running after her so I took off my shoe and hit him in the head. He turned around and gave me a haunting smile.

"Back off guys...This one is mine" He told them, backing off completely. He backed me up till my head hit a brick wall. I put my hands up to my face, shielding him away from me.

"Now don't be-" Suddenly he screamed and my hands began to burn. When I uncovered my eyes I saw half the man's face burnt off. His eyeball rolling of the melted area. When I looked at my hands it was just for a second but a bright purple light shaped as a crescent formed in between the lines on my hand and then it disappeared. Half his buddies ran. The others stayed because of cigarette guys orders.

"Kill the bitch already!" He yelled. They smiled evilly and when I tried to put my hands up again, they grabbed them. I blanked out...I promised I wouldn't cry anymore...I felt empty. Obviously no one would care if-

"Let her go" A familiar voice said. I saw two blurs flash quickly to my side. Taking them out with a blink of an eye.

"What the f-"  The cigarette man tried to shut the door but Kyle quickly stopped it from shutting. Giving an evil smile of his own. Will eyed me up and down and then shrugged. Was he making sure I wasn't hurt?

"We figured you might of caused some trouble again...Since you didn't come to the blood drive" Oh that's it.

"Sorry I got in the way of your mission" I said sincerely.

"We already got the blood so their's no need for stupid apologies" Was he being nice now? What happened to his overall grumpiness?

"Right over here!" I heard Grace yell from around the corner. Did she call the police?

"How am I going to explain the bodies and-" Will covered my mouth and whispered in my ear.

"We'll take care of it" I shuddered. Was it normal for my heart to start beating again?


     Don't ask me what happened because I don't even understand it. Truthfully I caught up to her after we packed up the blood. Kyle followed me as well even though I told him not to. We came just after we heard a man scream. It was weird because when we examined the body's closer; half a guy's face was burnt off. His melted eyeball was already in ashes from the impact. He could have lived but probably died because his ass was intoxicated.You use to be like that to...Right William? I shook my head. I'm different now and my name is not William, it's Will.


           I explained to the police and Grace that they all just left. Of course the police bought it but Grace was smart enough.

"What really happened?" She asked. I was surprised at how normally she was talking to me right now.

"A neighbor with a gun passed by and saved me" I knew I wasn't a good liar but luckily Grace didn't know me well enough to point that out.

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