Chapter 3: A day of Suprising events

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 The feeling I get when I write, is like a breath of fresh air. A warm welcome. It's always their. Whenever I write,to my delight, you are close, and suddenly inspiration is every where.

 I have a lot to be thankful for. Most of my thanks to those who at least checked out my story. Thank you very much! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Though my story might be confusing, I am very glad to have my story read. So keep on keeping on my friends! (you just made sure no one reads it, you know?) No?! I think? (right...right) Stop interrupting the story! (so it's an aim for something wow! I had no idea that's how you work) No! That's not what I-! (sure sure just write your little story so your cynical plans might work) But I-you-!(stop blabbering and write the chapter already stupid!... probably fell at birth) What was that last part?(nothing boss! stupid)


   Stupid Kyle and May! I'm stuck stalking a girl while they suck someone's blood! I mean sure the girl was strange because we couldn't smell her blood but that didn't mean she was important or would get in the way of our mission. Speaking of the mission; The crystal that came with the paper was supposed to help us find the girl or whoever it is by putting a small amount of that person's blood on the crystal. If it glows different colors then it's a yes, and if the blood dissolves into the crystal it's a no. Simple? You'd think that but we couldn't just go around and ask people to cut their finger and smear their blood on a rock. It makes no sense. So we decided to convince the teachers to hold a blood drive. Thanks to Kyle's mind-controlling powers it was really easy, and all the students have to do is line up, wait for their turn to go inside the nurses office, and give blood. The main reason the professor asked us to do this job was because are tolerance for blood. We were all almost over four-hundred years old and have adapted to the smell of blood, thanks to past experiences.

"Let's get you cleaned up" I heard her say. For some reason she stopped walking and stopped by an alley. For what I didn't know, so I went closer, and hid behind a tree just across from where she was. From my view, a normal human wouldn't be able to see what she was doing but since I was a vampire, my vision was advanced. In her hands was a small black cat, with an old bandage wrappped around it's leg. A closer look, the cat's leg was badly torn up and damaged. Marley pet the cat and licked the almost dry blood off her hand. I assumed the cat had scratched her. For a moment I thought she was a vampire, but that changed when I heard her heart all the way from over here. Of course she wasn't a vampire. Shaking my thoughts away, I saw her walk inside a poor looking building.

     I know all to well who'd be at home waiting for a chance to complain about my lack of information.So I decided to wait a few minutes before leaving. I was hoping I'd have an excuse to leave her house but sure enough, a few minutes later, she came back out with the cat wrapped in her arms, looking a little worried. How can she worry about some stupid cat? It was clear to me that I was starting to get a little interested(a little) in this odd girl. Their was a new bandage on both the cat's leg and her hand. As she ran, she glanced in my direction. I froze. Did she see me? Can she see me? That's impossible! I relaxed as soon as I caught what her eyes were actually looking at. A little boy had fell, and started crying. Marley ran straight to the boy, and I jumped back, smelling something otherworldly and coming face to face with a Dire wolf.

    They are more vicious than regular were wolves and usually came in packs but their was only one here.The wolf's hot breath made me shake my head in disgust. It's saliva came down it's canine teeth and became splotches on the cement. As it came closer, I bared my fangs out to him. He slowly let out a deep breath, finding my distaste funny.

"Go away..." I growled and again he chuckled, pointing his nose towards Marley and the little boy, who were now parting ways. I saw his intent to follow Marley, and immediately kicked him into a brick wall. No one was around, so I could fight him and get away with it. The wolf got up and smiled. Wider, and wider until it was no longer a smile but a menace. He ran towards me and I jumped behind him, catching his head in a head lock. As he struggled to escape from my grasp I twisted his neck. He was still alive, even though his head was flopping from one place to the other. Grabbing his neck I pushed him against the wall and asked "Who sent you?! You mutts usually come in packs. Seeing as your alone, someone must have sent you" The wolf gave me a pained smiled and in my mind I heard a voice "Professor doesn't like to wait..." With that being said, I crushed his throat completely. Dark, sticky, blood oozed down his huge body, as his head rolled off.

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