Chapter 5: Will I ever get a break?

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           As I made my way back home, I thought of the days events. We all had agreed to me not saying anything and if I did I would be silenced. Will took Suzie back to her home after erasing the memories of today. I hoped that somehow she would be happy, that dog was her best friend and probably the only other thing than her parents to make her feel safe. I got kind of angry at the two bloodsucking butt heads who decided it was okay to take the life out of something warm.

"meowf" I looked down to my hands to see the cat cuddling it's head to my chest.

"Thanks I don't really have anything their to snuggle into though" I sighed, opening my apartment door.

"I am never going to another vet again. If I have to I will personally learn how to take care of you myself" I kicked off my torn sneakers and started walking to the bathroom. Carefully I unwrapped it's bandage and started soaking the cut with water. The cat growled at me when I touched it slightly.

"Are you a dog? Do you go randomly bark at people who try to help you?" I knew better that this cat probably has been through a lot. I was just tired from today.

"The quicker I get this done the faster we can both go to sleep" The cat looked defensive for a second before yawning and letting it's guard down.

"Good, now I don't know who you belong to or if your a stray so I'll give you a temporary name until we find your owner" I said patting it's leg dry.

"Your a she that's for sure so it has to be a girl's name" I opened the bathroom cabinet's to find some leftover bandage wraps. Slowly I wrapped the bandage around it's leg.

"I will name you Eve. You remind me of my mother. Her name was Evelyn" I smiled as I finished up it's leg.

"Now who is ready for bed?!"


"That's it I guess" Kyle shrugged looking more like himself when I walked in from taking the girl home.

"That was really strange wasn't it?" I asked taking a seat on the nearest couch. Vampires don't even sleep so why is it that I feel so tired?

" did you see or feel anything else Kyle?" May asked. Kyle can also both see and feel the minds of others. May didn't have any powers and I had the power of controlling elements.

"A bit of a flashback but not to much. Her mind is very hard to get anything from"

"What did you see in the flashback" I asked.

"Just a pretty woman. Why are you interested?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"No. Not really" I said honestly.

"So what if I told you I was lying and got more information from Marley then I let on" I closed my eyes. I really wanted to know but my pride didn't allow me to.

"Boys tomorrow the blood tests begin so we need to make sure were well fed" May began putting on her jacket.

"I'm guessing were going out to eat" Kyle chuckled.


For some reason I got up earlier today then usual, so I took a shower and got dressed. Eve stretched and got up with me. I wasn't sure what to give her but I was guessing maybe some tuna would work. After I put down her food the door knocked and Eve ran straight for the door, hissing.

"Who is it?" No one answered and I didn't have a peephole so slowly I opened it. I screamed, as a bloody figure stood in front of me. Without thinking I hit it in the head with whatever I had in my hands and shut the door. It banged loudly, probably with the claws it had. The size of those things were longer than the-

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