Chapter 8: Oh boy...

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It's been so long since I've written a chapter...SORRY GUYS:( I just lost ideas:P


"I'm a what?" In the end we took her to our place and told her why we were here and what she was.

"A witch" Kyle finished. Jessie looked half scared and half insulted.

"No not like that...Your a real magical using witch" Okay that didn't sound any better coming from May.

"I don't know what you crazy people are talking about" May brought the crystal to her and showed her how it glowed.

"Wow that's a really pretty rock you have their" She said sarcastically making May glare.

"It was your blood that did this!" May accused.

Now Jessie looked completely confused. "My blood?" Losing all patience, May brought out the tube of blood and shoved it in her hands. Jessie squealed and almost broke it but I caught it.

"What's your problem?" May yelled.

"I-I just don't like blood is all"

 I wanted to laugh now that we found her. She was going to be surrounded by blood.

"So you have to come with us" Kyle said it more like a demand then an option.

"Oh I get it. Your pranking me to see if I'll tell the truth" Jessie said.

"What truth?! This is your blood isn't it?" May asked.

 Jessie fiddled with her thumbs and shook her head. Somehow I felt really bad about this.

"...Then whose is it?" I asked, Hoping she wouldn't say what I'd think she'd say.

"It's Marley's! Please don't tell the principal! She was just helping me out because-" I stopped listening to everything just then. Marley was...? Why didn't I see sooner? The blooming in the riddle meant a young girl. Marley's young and the blood smelled to good to be an ordinary girl's blood. Marley was really never normal since I met her. She also didn't take the blood test that day either. Why then-

"Will snap out of it! We just got a call!" I came back to the present and found that Jessie was already knocked out on the couch so Kyle probably already erased this conversation from her memories.

"W-who called?" Never once had I stuttered in my whole vampire life and now I was definently shaken of the thought of Marley being the one they sacrificed.

"Your not going to believe this but boss called" Kyle began pacing back and forth and didn't look at me until I asked "What did he say?" Everything in the room was silent and I knew something was going to make me more then shaken.

"He said we've done enough...and he's already found what he's looking for"


"Excuse me but where am I?" After being captured by three masked men; They rudely threw me into what looked like an old car of some sort but I really couldn't see because they covered my eyes and it was pretty dark, the place where I was. I wasn't tied to anything so I was free to feel around but everything I touched was walls. Great! A tight space and nothing that I can grab like a rope or door handle.

"Shut up" One of the guys said in the front.

"I think I have the right to know!" I know I was being childish but I was still mad at Will. Stupid guy. He just kisses me one day and then says goodbye the next just as easily. Next time I see him I will not speak a word to him. Cheers to independent women!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2012 ⏰

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