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Kirstie's POV
"Honey!" My mom yelled waking me up from my well deserved sleep, "first day of school! Get up!" I groaned and slowly sat up in my bed. Here's the thing, it's the first day of school, obviously. That means new school, teachers, new friends, and the most interesting of all, new enemies. Last year marked the last time I will hopefully ever see my old enemy, Mitch Grassi again.

That thought was extremely helpful and relieving for me. Plus not only will I be guaranteed a solo in choir, but this year I might not have an enemy. I know for a fact my best friend Esther is going to the same school as me. So at least I'll know someone.

"Kirstie cmon! You wouldn't want to be late for school." My moms voice called again, this time a little more agitated. I jumped out of bed and got changed quickly. Than I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Sorry mom," I apologized, "I just got deep in thought." I kissed her on the cheek and made myself a bowl of cereal. As I was eating it my little sister Kennedy joined me at the table. "Well well," I started, "someone looks a little too excited for grade seven. What are you dressed for, prom?" She shook her head annoyed and rolled her eyes.

"Haha very funny," she said sarcastically, "I just need to look good. You have no idea how hard it was to coordinate this outfit." she said sassily. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Oh yes it was obviously really hard." I said back even more sassily as I washed my bowl and put it in the dishwasher.

"Okay girls that's enough," my mom scolded, "c'mon everyone in the car." I grabbed my backpack and stuffed everything in it. Than I ran out to the car and jumped in.

"Kirstin, what are you excited for?" My mom asked bringing up a question from my first day of elementary school. I giggled lightly and shrugged.

"My friends mainly. But I'm also kind of excited for the new teachers." My mom nodded her head smiling.

"That's good. And you Kennedy?" My mom said. Kennedy didn't reply because she had her headphones in. So I answered for her.

"Kennedy's excited for all of the cute boys she's going to meet." I said it very loudly so she would hear me. Kennedy's head jolted up and she glared at me.

"I am not!" She argued. I laughed and nudged her.

"Lighten up! Plus if you don't answer, I answer for you." Mom chuckled lightly and nodded her head in agreement.

"Ugh fine," Kennedy said giving up, "yes I'm excited FOR THE LEARNING and for finally seeing my friends." She than stuck her tongue out at me and put her headphones back on. So childish. Finally we arrived at my school, Martin High School. I've been checking it out since eighth grade. And boy was I excited. I saw Esther standing there clueless and ran up to her squealing. She laughed as we hugged each other tightly.

"Omg how are you?" She asked excitedly.

"I'm amazing! And excited!" We both laughed and made our way towards our locker. We both knew the way around Martin High because of all of the tours they gave. I swear I've gone on at least twenty. When we were setting up our lockers during home room, Esther looked down the hall wide eyed.

"Oh no," she said under her breath, "I hate to admit this to you Kirst, but there's a jerk coming your way." I turned my head to where she was pointing, and almost found myself throwing up. Mitch. The Mitch Grassi. I groaned and banged my head on my locker.

"Be careful Kirstin," a familiar voice called, "you wouldn't want to become even more dumb than you already are." I groaned again and turned around to face Mitch.

"Thank you for your concern Mitchell. Well at least I actually got A's last year instead of all C's." Mitch laughed dryly and made a smug look. I hate his smug look.

"That's the best you've got Maldonado?" He chuckled before "strutting" off to class. I turned to Esther helplessly.

"I just want one year," I pleaded, "just one year without that- that hooligan!" Esther shook her head and gestured for me to follow her. I dragged myself to my first class only to find Mitch sitting right next to the last two seats. The farthest one being taken by Esther. Kill me now. I took a seat in the desk next to his and ignored him. He must've been thinking the same thing because he ignored me the entire class. Once the class was over I leaped out of my chair and checked my schedule. Choir? Nice!

"Aw we have different classes!" Esther whined and I giggled.

"Well than you should've chose choir!" I yelled as I made my way to the choir room. I heard her faint laugh as I entered the room. The only two other people there, were Mitch and Scott. They were blabbing about designers before they both saw me and glared at me.

"I'm not here to start a war. I'm just here for class." I said sassily as I took a seat on the bottom choir stand. They both rolled their eyes and continued blabbing on. Soon more people came into the room and I met some very nice people. One girl who was named Genevieve was really nice. We hit it off immediately and ended up spending most of choir together. Once choir was done Ms. Wilson decided to make the announcement.

"Alright everyone," she said folding her arms, "tomorrow will be the auditions for the solo. I only expect you to have a song prepared and ready." Mitch and I glared at each other. Usually Mitch wins the solo because even I know he's an amazing singer. This year I want to change that. I've gone to singing lessons every week this summer to prepare for this. I know it sounds crazy, but I just want my first year of high school to be a success. After class I wait in the hall for Genevieve because we have our next class together. Than Mitch comes out and folds his arms.

"Good luck Kirstie," he said fake smiling, "but don't be too confident. We both know I'm going to win this one." I rolled my eyes.

"I'd say the same for you. Don't be too confident Mitch. I've been working hard for this so don't overthink this." Now it was his turn to roll his eyes.

"Whatever Maldonado." He said before turning around and walking away. Don't think too soon Mitchell. I will win this one.

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