Chapter 3 - Cirrus and The "Ballinger"

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I took the captains offered arm and tiptoed in my fluffy slippers down the path to the boat. Another sailor dropped the stairs as I approached and I was encouraged to climb aboard.

“Please Ma’am, we have a deadline to meet and I am sure you know how Mr Ballinger hates to be kept waiting.”

Nodding my head and without further resistance I climbed the stairs in my fluffy slippers and gown, with the towel wrapped around my head.  What could the neighbours possibly be thinking, as this scene played out in front of them…..

Comfortably seated and belted safely on the boat that was being towed by the monster truck, I could not help wondering how Cirrus had got permission for me to ride on the boat through the streets, to the harbour. But then I presumed if my father trusted him to be my executor and control my inheritance, he probably had a strong influence on other people too.

I had come to realize in the few weeks that I had known Cirrus that he was in the habit of doing most things in a rather grand way. The times he had taken me out for a meal, on the pretence of discussing my inheritance, had always been to the most expensive restaurants and he had always collected me in a limo.

To add to the glitz and glamour he always had a beautiful outfit delivered a day or two before our dinner date, with a very polite note asking if I would wear the dress, but only if I approved of his choice?   He always said he would not be offended if I refused and opted to wear something else.

Every time we went out together he bowled me over with his charm, warmth and attentiveness.  I could not help being attracted to him. I was young, naïve and had no real experience with men or romance for that matter and Cirrus was mature, responsible and most definitely a man my father would’ve approved of.  He had to be if my father had named him as my Executor.

There were unfamiliar feelings stirring deep inside me, feelings that scared me and made me tingle all at the same time, whenever he smiled at me, or touched me. I felt like I was losing that independent part of myself every time his hand lingered on my arm, or brushed the hair from my face. At dinner, whenever he looked into my eyes, I felt drawn right into his soul, to the point where I couldn’t tell where he began or I ended.  I knew I was falling for him, but why did it scare me so much?

~ ~ ~

At the harbour the tender boat was quickly launched into the water and within in minutes we had tied up alongside the yacht. Once on board I was escorted below deck to my room and wasn’t surprised to see how efficiently Cirrus had set everything out in order for my arrival.

 A choice of two outfits lay on the king-size bed for me to choose from. As usual his taste was impeccable. How he had come to know my taste so well in such a short time mystified me.  Smiling I walked into the en suite bathroom to find all my favourite toiletries, brushes and hairdryer waiting to be used.  An urgent knocking broke through my thoughts.

“Ma’am if you are comfortable we will be on our way now.  Breakfast will be served shortly.

“Thanks. Yes, thanks, that will be great. I am starving.” I said to the young sailor standing at my bedroom door.

Smiling, he politely said, “If I call back in half an hour will that give you enough time to be ready for me to escort you to the dining room?”

I smiled politely back, “Yes thanks. That will be plenty of time.”

I went back through to the bathroom and finished what I had started earlier, before I was so unexpectedly interrupted.  Applying light blush to my cheeks, lip gloss and a touch of mascara, I turned back to the bed and surveyed the outfits.

I chose the soft pink and lilac hip length top which hung slightly off my right shoulder and the cream trousers.  The underwear made me blush as it was the first time Cirrus had gone to that extent. The transparent white lace bra and panty set were exquisite and the shoes were soft leather cream wedges with just a small heel.

On the bedside table sat a black velvet box, with a note that simply said, ‘Please wear me’  I opened the box to reveal a beautiful pair of earrings, diamond studs set in a plain gold setting.  I popped them into my ears, just in time to hear a knock on my door again.  I was not surprised to see the sailor waiting patiently to escort me to breakfast.

“Very punctual,” I remarked smiling.

“Thank you Ma’am. If you would please follow me up top I’ll show you to the dining room.”

The dining room was comfortably sized and lavishly decorated in autumn shades. Landscape windows lined the walls so you had an amazing view of the sea from every angle.  An oval table in the center of the room, could easily seat six people, but on this occasion there were only two high back chairs at either end.  However there was only one place setting with silver cutlery and crystal glasses.

“Oh gosh, does this all belong to Cirrus?” I asked the sailor who was now pulling out my chair for me to sit down.

“Yes Ma’am, the yacht belongs to Mr Ballinger” The sailor smiled and opened the lids of the serving dishes for me to help myself to whatever I fancied.

After a lavish breakfast of fruit, yoghurt, eggs and bacon, the likes of which I would never have had at home,  preferring just yoghurt for breakfast, I wondered round the impressive room, touching the soft fabrics of the furniture.  I discovered a door tucked away behind a heavy brocade curtain. There was no door knob or keyhole which made me extremely curious to know what could be hiding behind such a mysterious door. I wondered round the yacht opening doors and looking round each room. 

There was a hot tub and sauna in one room with beautiful white fluffy towels and robes hanging on the walls. One room led into another and of course there had to be a fully equipped gym too.  Taking a short flight of stairs down I found the galley with every imaginable gadget to make any Chef’s job a breeze. Leading off from the galley were three large rooms, comfortably furnished for the staff, I gathered.

My search brought me to the heart of the yacht where I found the Captain, pouring over maps and compass points.  I knocked softly.  He turned around, smiled and said, “No need to knock Ma’am, please come in.  Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Well, yes, I was just wondering, ummm …. I found a hidden door behind a curtain in the dining room, sorry but my curiosity got the better of me.”

“Ohh! Sorry Ma’am, but that door is locked and private.  Only Mr Ballinger has access to that room.”

“I noticed there was no keyhole in that door, which is rather strange.”

“It’s on a time sensor.” He replied matter of factly.

“Oh, okay. I guess only Cirrus can open it.” I shrugged my shoulders giving up on the idea of looking inside till Cirrus arrived.

 “Yes Ma’am.” The Captain smiled.

 “By the way, do you have any idea when I get to see Mr Ballinger?  I hope I am not on this cruise by myself.”

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