Chapter 26 - My Reflections

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On our drive back to the lodge, Cirrus asked me twice if I was okay, and I nodded, nothing more was said until we got back to the lodge. At the door way he took me into his arms and held me gently. I melted into the warmth of his embrace, with my head against his chest, listening to his heart beating, rather quickly I thought. Lifting my head, I looked into his eyes and asked, "Cirrus, are you okay?"

He looked deep into my eyes, and without replying, he kissed me so tenderly it took me completely by surprise. "My Angel, do you wish to talk about this evening?"

"Cirrus I am fine, really." I smiled and kissed his chin. I pushed the door open and walked inside. He followed behind me and said he would go and run a bath for us, but then stopped at the bathroom door.

"Melanie, would you prefer to bath on your own tonight?"

I threw my shoe at him; he ducked just as it connected with the door frame. "Why ever would I want to do that?"

"I just thought that after everything you saw this evening, you might need some alone time to think."

"Cirrus, I admit, I was rather taken aback by the whole scene, but Sheena was so warm and friendly, she made me feel right at home amongst all the ladies there tonight."

"There is an unspoken 'but' I can hear at the end of that sentence," Cirrus said.

"I could never walk around topless, let alone naked, in company like that. Those women all have such beautiful bodies and the dancers ......"

I did not have time to finish my sentence before he came and turned me round and marched me to stand in front of the mirror.

"Look at your reflection!" he ordered, "What do you see?"

"Me." I replied confused.

"I see a beautiful, young virile woman," he said smiling into the mirror. "In fact, let me show you how beautiful you really are in all your naked glory." With that he slowly undid the buttons of my blouse, watching me intently in the mirror, as he stood behind me. He slid the blouse slowly down my arms, pulling me so that my naked back rested against his chest. Moving my hair away from my neck, he bent forward, and I felt the warmth of his lips against my neck. His arms slipped around me and he slowly pulled down the zip of my trousers and slid them down my legs. Holding me close, he helped me step out of them and then quickly undid my bra and let it fall to the floor. He toyed with the delicate lace of my thong, before teasing them down my legs. I immediately felt shy and tried to turn away from the mirror, but he held me firmly against his chest as he made me face the mirror. I blushed crimson from head to foot and closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes Melanie, please."

I slowly opened my eyes and he was looking admiringly at my reflection, "What do you see Baby Girl?"

"A blushing, naked young girl."

"No! No! No! Melanie!" he exclaimed, "Shall I tell you what I see every time I look at you?"

I nodded, feeling embarrassed.

"I see a beautiful, blonde woman with eyes so blue and sincere; I feel I am drowning whenever I look into them. I see the honesty that is you. You have a natural olive skin which enhances your hair and eyes. Your legs are long and shapely, ending under such delicious peach shaped buttocks." His hands trembled as he covered my stomach, "I love to kiss your stomach and feel it tremble beneath my lips. Your belly is as flat as a surf board, Baby Girl, and you have such control over your stomach muscles. You don't realize how I watch your stomach during our intimate moments. It turns me on to watch your muscles ripple."

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