Chapter 11 - Romantic Moments

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As the yacht sailed out the harbour, Cirrus filled my champagne glass. I wrinkled up my nose as the bubbles tickled.  He pulled me into his arms and held me close as we watched the shore line disappear.

“Angel, I couldn’t be happier than I am right now.  I intend to make these five months the best time of your life and you will never regret coming with me.”

I felt warm and safe and happy as I snuggled into his chest. Our day was spent idly chatting and relaxing on deck, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the ocean breeze.  Soon after lunch, we pulled into a little bay and went snorkeling.  The water was warm and alive with fish of every color and size.  Cirrus swam close to me all the time, pointing out every item he thought would be of interest to me.  He caught my hand and indicated that he wanted to go onto the beach.  We swam together towards the golden sand which was warm and soft under our feet. 

Tugging me by the hand, he led me up the beach, “Where are we going?”

“Come, I have a beautiful spot to show you.”

We came to a small clearing with a waterfall flowing into a small crystal clear pool.  It was breathtakingly beautiful and so inviting.  Cirrus surprised me by stripping off and diving into the pool naked. He turned back to look at me and called me in. 

“Leave your bikini on the sand Angel, there is nothing more sensual than swimming naked.”  

Leaving my bikini on a boulder, I dived in and swam to him. As I surfaced next to him he took me in his arms and kissed me.

“Especially with a beautiful woman,” he finished his sentence with his arms locked around me while treading water.

We swam and played like two children when he suddenly disappeared behind the waterfall.  I heard his muffled voice calling me, so I sucked up all my courage and swam into the waterfall, not knowing what I might find on the other side.  

I was amazed; it was like stepping into a dream, only more beautiful.  Flecks of sunshine streamed through the waterfall, causing little rainbows to appear everywhere in the small cave.  Cirrus reached out his hand to pull me up onto the rocks.

“Breathtaking, isn’t it?” he asked.

“It’s beautiful,” I replied.

"I hope to show you many beautiful things on our trip together, the most important being how very special you are to me, how much you mean to me and how much I care about you.”

His words touched my very soul; in this beautiful place with this beautiful man, I could not be happier.  An involuntary tear escaped and ran down my cheek.  He caught it with his finger and looked at me concerned. 

“You’re not happy?” he questioned.

“I don’t think I have ever been happier in my life, it’s all so magical; far too beautiful to be true.”

“Oh Angel, this place is as real as you and I.”

“It’s not just this place Cirrus, it’s us, it’s you and I, being here together like this.  Who would have ever thought something like this could ever happen?”

He hugged me close and kissed me lovingly, teasing my lips with his tongue, I felt his body heat increasing.

“Cirrus, don’t you think we should be getting back to the yacht now?”

“Angel, relax, they will send out a search party for us if we are not back by dinner time.”

Silencing me with his lips, he pulled me into a passionate embrace and loved me in such a tender, sensual way I’d never dreamed possible. 

Before, he had always been overpowering and demanding, to the point of being almost forceful.  But I would be lying if I said I didn’t like his controlling tone when we were making love.

Lying halfway in the water with gentle waves rolling across our bodies, time slipped away.  He had never loved my body with such sincerity before.  I could feel his body in tight control of his emotions as he gently teased my senses into submission.  

Holding my body in a firm but gentle embrace, he coaxed a subtle spasm from deep within me.  My soft moans bounced around the walls of the cave.  His gentle release surprised me, as I was more familiar with this passionate moment being heated, overbearing and sometimes a little painful for me.  

His moans echoed like drum beats through my ears.  This time it was different as he whispered my name softly, at that precise instant.  This was a side of Cirrus I had not seen or felt before.  Here I was, experiencing a new dimension to our intimate love, taking me completely by surprise.

Back on the yacht we dined on deck in the moonlight, while two candle lanterns enhanced the romantic setting.  The stars twinkled brightly in the night sky.  In the middle of dinner he slipped his gold cygnet ring off his little finger, reached for my right hand and slipped it onto my middle finger. I looked at him in surprise. “There, now you have something of mine that says I am yours in every sense of the word.”

“Thank you,” I smiled warmly. “Seeing as we are exchanging personal gifts, what would you want from me then?”


“Ummm, but you have me already.”

“I want you unconditionally, to be there whenever I need you, whenever I want you, to be by my side 24/7.” He spoke these words softly, looking at me intently, watching for my reaction.

Smiling, I responded, “I can give you all that over the next few months, but when this holiday’s over, I have to return to the real world and back to work and my studies.  I still have a year to go before I qualify.”

“I will settle for that for now.” His eyes grew dark and I knew I was in for another passionate evening.

In agreeing to his request, I did not realize at the time what I had actually consented too.  All too soon my hasty decision would reveal boundaries I had never crossed before…….

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