Chapter 13 - Battleships

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 One evening, after our bath, he suggested playing a game.

“What kind of game?” I asked.

“Do you ever remember playing ‘Battleships’ as a child?”

“Yes, I do.  I played it often enough with my Father who would never let me win.”

“Well, this battleship has a different theme entirely!” he exclaimed, smiling mischievously.

“Ohhh, pray tell what would that be?” I asked in a similar mischievous way.

“Every time I hit one of your ships, you are to tell me one of your secret fantasies that you keep hidden deep inside;  fantasies that you feel scared to face or admit.”

I looked at him in utter amazement. “And if I should go along with these new rules, what happens after I have told you?”

“We’ll stop the game immediately and I will fulfill your fantasy.” He said winking at her.

“Ohhh, I see.” Melanie blushed from her head to her toes.

He laughed, amused by her embarressment “If you hit one of mine, I get to tell you my secret fantasy, and then you can fulfill mine too.”

Melanie swallowed hard, “Mhmm, I don’t know that I have any hidden secret fantasies.  I can’t really think of anything off the top of my head right now.” She said feeling nervous.

Opening his bedside table drawer, he handed Melanie an A4 size piece of paper with a battleship grid already printed on it. 

I looked at him in utter amazement. “You had this all planned already?” I asked in disbelief.

“I wanted to keep you entertained in every way possible, 24/7, during these few months we have together.”

“Wow! Okay, I need a little time to think while I place my ships across the grid.”

“Fine.” He said, “Take half an hour and write your fantasies down the side, so you don’t chicken out and deviate from the truth at the crunch hour!” he remarked with a more serious expression.

I giggled, thinking how silly his expression looked when I knew he was hiding a smile.

“I think you need to leave me alone for half an hour so I can think clearly, without you hovering around waiting for me to finish.”

“I will go upstairs and leave you to concentrate, but just for half an hour, then I am coming down to start our game, ready or not.  You must have at least six fantasies to choose from.”

A frown creased my brow as I watched him leave the room and close the door behind him.  I noticed he slipped the key out of the lock on his way out, but I made out as though I had not noticed.  I knew he was making sure I did not lock him out of the room again.

Alone in the room,  I got to work on my fantasies, my brain slipping through the dense fog in my imagination, wondering what I could write down that would not sound made up. I strategically placed my ships, hoping none would be discovered so I would not have to give up any fantasies. My thoughts reverted back to all the intense moments we had shared since Cirrus became my gentle, romantic lover.  All the moments of heated passion that had excited me.

I wrote them down from 6 to 1 - 6 being the least of my fantasies, while number 1 being an experience I would love repeated time and again.

(6) Making love in the shower.

(5) Touching me intimately while having dinner in a restaurant.

(4) Devouring my body with kisses and nibbles.

(3) Teasing me into submission and stopping just before my spasm of ecstasy finds its release and replaying the scenario over and over again, till I begged for release.

(2) His tongue intimately working its magic till I screamed for him to fill me with his love and satisfy my desperate need.

And finally number (1) To feel the force of his passion without restriction. He was not to hold back, but to let himself go completely. I wanted to feel every muscle in his body rippling to attention, letting his animal instinct control him.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard his knock on the door, “Ready or not, I am coming in. We need to start this game before you get too tired and fall asleep on me,” he laughed as he walked into the room.

We sat across the bed from each other, guarding our battleground from the other’s view. “Let the battle begin!” he said smugly, “and may the best fantasy win.”

His Collar She Wore  -  BOOK 1 of The Collar Series Where stories live. Discover now