Chapter 20 - Reunited

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Anchored in a bay, I sat on deck, watching the trees blowing in the wind and the golden sand glistening in the summer sunset.  The sky was tinged with pinks and oranges, slowing dipping beyond the sea’s horizon. I heard the sound of a motor running in the distance. Jumping up I scanned the horizon, only to see not a boat, but a helicopter, coming into view.

I stared in amazement, not believing my eyes, as the helicopter landed neatly on the water, just a short distance away from the yacht.  The rubber dingy launched from the side of the boat towards it, and I saw Cirrus climb out the helicopter, and into the dingy.

As they approached the yacht, he looked up, saw me, and waved. I smiled and waved back. As soon as he came up on deck, I ran and jumped into his arms. “Don’t you ever leave me like that again!” I scolded.

“You said you needed time and space.  I was only giving you what you asked for.”

“Well, I felt differently when I woke up in the morning,” I frowned. 

“How was I to know you felt differently?  You slept so still all night, and every now and then, I heard you sniff as if you were crying in your sleep, and I hated feeling it was me who was putting you through so much distress.”

“I missed you, needed you, wanted to talk and more importantly, I wanted to love you.  I wanted you to reach out and tell me it was all going to be okay, and love me.”

“Oh Angel, I am so sorry.  Well, I promise next time you say you need space, I will totally ignore you.” He remarked, winking.

I slapped his arm playfully “Now you’re teasing me.”

He gave me a tight squeeze and gently set me back on my feet.

“Would you like dinner up here on deck, or shall we go down to the dining room?”

“Cirrus, please can we have picnic on the beach instead?”

“Really, you’d like that?  You know it will be dark soon.”

“Are we allowed to make a fire on the beach?”

“I can’t see any reason why we can’t, as long as we make sure we put it out properly before we leave.”

“Thanks Cirrus, it will be so romantic.”

“Yes Angel, it will, and we can have a long chat about everything that’s worrying you.”

I smiled softly, reached up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.  He totally caught me off guard, wrapping his arms and around me, pulling me in so close, taking my lips with a passion I had not felt from him before. 

Although surprised, I liked how it felt.  So needy and wanting, I responded without hesitation.  Our kiss deepened, our tongues caught in a tight tango, neither of us wanting to let go.  Suddenly, he scooped me up into his arms and without breaking our kiss, carried me quickly to the stairs.  Releasing my lips for a moment, while he carried me down the stairs, he whispered softly, “First things first,” he teased me with his eyes. “A moment of passion needs to be addressed before any picnic.”

I laughed, seeing his smile echo all the way up to his eyes.  He pushed open the door with his foot and strode purposefully towards the bed.  He tossed me into the middle, and without a word, he stripped off his clothes, dropping them on the floor where he stood.  Eyeing me dangerously, he suddenly pounced on me, and literally ripped of my clothes. I just could not stop giggling, he seemed so desperate and deadly serious, but his eyes were smiling all the time.

“I’ll soon put a cork in that giggle of yours,” he said trying hard to sound all serious.

I nipped his ear lobe as his body moved over mine, taking me with a passion that somehow seemed not quite as intense as he had intended. Unbelievably, there seemed to be a fun side to this intimate moment, and as my teeth closed down on his ear lobe, he smacked my bum playfully. We rolled around on the bed, teasing each other mercilessly, till we were both quite exhausted, and as we lay panting, side by side, with my legs dangling off the bed, he suddenly sat up and shoved me right off the bed.  I fell with a thump onto the floor.  He peered over the side of the bed and started to laugh.  Hearing his laughter fill the room, I dissolved into giggles too.

His Collar She Wore  -  BOOK 1 of The Collar Series Where stories live. Discover now