Chapter 10

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3 months later...
It's been 3 months and Lucas and I been arguing, fighting, he been coming home high or drunk or both. He doesn't help me with the kids anymore it's like he did a whole 360. I was laying down on the couch and suddenly I hear a phone go off somebody was sending text messages like crazy. I looked at my phone but it wasn't mines then I realize Lucas left his phone so me being me I went through it and I found multiple girls texting him say come over I miss you and other things that I prefer not to say. I was sick to my stomach, I couldn't believe Lucas is cheating on me. Like I gave this boy everything and this how he gone do me like really, at this point I was angry, sad, hurt etc. I didn't feel like talking to anybody right now, I was crying and I didn't know what to do. Since he's out doing whatever he wants to do that's what Ima do, the kids was with the babysitter so I decided to go to the club.

At the club...
The music was blasting real loud and the whole club was turnt, I was on the on the dance floor dancing and doing my thang. Suddenly I felt someone come up behind me and I started dancing on him, I turned around and the face looked familiar. "Devin?" I asked "Yn?" He asked "Omg I haven't seen you since we were in highschool, how you been?" "I been good what about you?" "I been doing okay" "Good". Minutes later Devin and I had a few drinks and we were a lil tipsy, I didn't feel like going home tonight so I stayed over Devin house and yeah y'all know what happen 💦

Next Morning
I left Devin house and went to go get the kids after I picked them up we went home. I pulled up in the driveway and Lucas was home, I got out the car and got the kid then we went inside the house, I went upstairs and to the bedroom. Lucas was sitting there texting I assume, "We need to talk" I say "About?" He asked "About you cheating on me with multiple girls, and don't even lie cause you left your phone here and I went through it but it's okay cause I cheated too" "Excuse me?" "Do I need to repeat myself?" "No I heard what you said" I started to pack my things into my large suitcase. "What are you doing?" "Leaving, Lucas I can't do this anymore I love you I really do but I you cheating on me and coming home late and getting drunk and stuff it's not right and I tried to stay but I have you too many chances and I'm done giving them out"

Lucas pov
"Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it I was just caught up, I'm sorry, please"

"No Lucas I gave you to many chances and all you do is keep hurting me I can't do this I love you but I gotta go"

"Baby please don't leave, I need you here"

"If you needed me you wouldn't did what you did"

I watched as she grabbed her bags and got ready to leave.

No I can't loose her, not this time. She went in the kids room and I followed her trying to make her stay, she packed they clothes and walked downstairs with the bags. "Yn look I don't care if you cheated cause I deserved it but I don't wanna lose you" "You already lost me" she say as she looked at me, "Come on Cali and Carlie we about to leave" "You goin take them from me too?" "I'm not taking them from you, you can still see them but as far as them living here with you no, they don't need to be around this environment" "Bye daddy" Carlie and Cali say "Bye baby" I say as I kissed their cheek. 

"Bye Lucas" Yn say, she had tears in her eyes which made me start to cry "Bye, just remember I love you" she looked at me and nodded "I love you too" and with that they left, I watch as they got in the car and pulled off.

I can't believe I let these hoes come between me and Yn now look at us, we both heartbroken. I just lost the love of my life over some shit I could've prevented from happenin...

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