33. Death's Wishes (Part 3)

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(Disclaimer: I do NOT own any characters from The Devil Is a Part Timer nor the Media Pic!)

You groaned, feeling a hand shake your shoulder. You swatted the hand away angrily and snuggled back into the cozy blanket wrapped around you.

"Ow jeez! You're so freaking cranky when you're tired." You heard someone mumble.

You're eyes immediately shot open. You got up and yelped, scooting back until you were against a wall. You looked down at yourself. Your hair was wet and you were soaking. 'Oh right... I drowned. Well, I DIDN'T drown, but whatever. It's SU freaking cold in here though!'

Lucifer watched as you shivered and got up, walking over to a closet. He pulled out a shirt with some shorts and threw them over to you. "Here, you should change into these so you don't get sick."

You caught them and stood up, bowing to him and silently saying 'thank you.' You walked over to the bathroom and locked the door so you could get dressed. You took off your soaked shirt and pulled over the large t-shirt. After that, you slipped off your jeans and pulled up the slightly large shorts. You also took out a brush in an attempt to at least make your hair somewhat decent.

When you got out of the bathroom, Lucifer looked at you and smiled, amused at how your small size fit the large clothes. "You look cute in those." He said, causing you to blush.

You turned your head downwards, trying to cover up your blushing cheeks. 'What the heck is wrong with me?! I don't blush! I mean, guys are just pointless. No one could ever care about me!'

You turned around and sat against the wall, tapping your foot a bit. "So... what now?"

Lucifer shrugged. "Well, you can stay if you want. I don't think Maou or Ashiya would mind. Your pretty cool and your polite. By the way, I'm Urushihara in case you were wondering, but... my real name is Lucifer. So you can call me by that if you want."

You blushed again. 'Stupid emotions...'

"Well... I don't want to be a bother." You said.

Lucifer seemed a bit sad after that. "Well, if you have someone waiting for you or you just want to go home, I can walk you there..."

'How do I say this without seeming like a poor, useless, street girl?'

"I don't have a home."

'Wow... cause that TOTALLY didn't sound weak and pitiful. He might as well kick me out now. It was fun while it lasted but welcome back cruel world!'

Lucifer's expression flashed sadness before it went back to emotionless.

"You're staying." He said simply, as if you didn't have a choice.

'Ok... that wasn't expected. Seriously though, you can never expect anything with this guy!' You sat against the wall, still trying to think everything through. But right now, you just didn't want to think about anything.

You sighed and put your head in your arms miserably, imagining all the loneliness and hatred from everyone build up into one. All the scars and wounds just huddling up into a pitch black pile.

You're mind started to get more fearful as the pile grew... until it formed into many sharp teeth... and two glowing eyes.

You were scared to open your eyes...

You were scared by the heavy breaths of a beast that slithered in front of you...

But you had to...

You slightly peeked your eyes open, seeing white all around you.


A giant black beast hissed at you, causing you to scream, shooting your eyes open from the terrifying daydream.

Lucifer sensed your fear from his corner, and looked over to your as you curled up in a ball, holding your head with both hands and panting heavily. A single tear drop fell from your cheek.

Lucifer got up and sat next you while you didn't notice. He put a hand on your back, causing you to flinch, right before he pulled you to his chest, wrapping his arms around you in a protective embrace.

You gasped at the action, feeling comfort being in his arms. Your fear started to fade away from your mind as you snuggled closer into his chest.

"Hey..." He whispered. "You never told me your name..."

You blushed, finally realizing how close you two were.

"Y-Y/n..." You said, flustered.

Lucifer smirked, repeating the name.

"Y/n... I like it."

To Be Continued

AN: Hey guys! Another chappie! Yay! Bla bla bla thanks for reading! Plz comment and vote! Btw, I LAV comments! Anyway, you can tell I'm in a rush su bye guys! :3

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