49. Don't Forget Me (Part 1)

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(Disclaimer: I do NOT own any characters from The Devil Is a Part Timer nor the Media Pic!)

MUST READ - AN: Ok, so I know I said that the next chapter would be based off the movie "Duff", but I found a new inspiration and I really wanted to update, so this ISN'T going to be that chapter. Anyway, enjoy! :3

You sat in peace in the MgRonalds restaurant; silently staring at Lucifer from a distance as he sipped a small milkshake. He didn't seem to notice you a bit. Good.

"Lucifer..." You sighed, breathing out the name you had yearned for, for so long.

He had no clue...

No clue of all the pain...

The pain that had led you to being forgotten...


You looked into his eyes, seeing as he had come so close to you. So close you could feel his breath. He had pinned you to a wall... again. He was teasing you. He was always teasing you... Whenever he had a chance. You couldn't help but shudder at his smirk.

"Something wrong, Y/n?" He asked, chuckling slightly.

You shook your head and pushed him away, pushing yourself to get your thoughts straight. "Don't do that!" You laughed, quickly attempting to walk away as fast as you could from the fallen angel.

He grabbed your arm, pulling you back to him. "Come on Y/n, I was just teasing."

You smirked. "I know, lover boy."

He blushed. "Hey, at least I didn't say your name in my sleep!"

You froze. 'He heard that?!' Ok, so yes, it was true. One time... ONE time, you had a dream about him... And... You ended up saying his name... in your sleep... BUT YOU WOULD NEVER ADMIT THAT.

You blushed deep red at the remark, stuttering as you thought of a comeback. "I-I did not!"

He shrugged. "Fine... Whatever you say..."

'You let a soft breath out. "Thank you."

Just before you could leave though, you felt his arm hook around your shoulder. "I never said I didn't like it though." He whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

He smiled down at you and walked away, leaving you flustered.

(End of Flashback)

A tear dropped from your cheek as you remembered the simple argument. You wanted more of that... even if he couldn't be yours... you wanted more.

You saw him look around the restaurant cautiously, as if he was being watched, before his eyes landed on you. You quickly looked away and took out your phone, hiding your face in your hair and pretending to text one of your friends.

The demon raised an eyebrow at you, before shrugging it off and getting up, ready to leave with Maou and Ashiya.

You sat there, silently letting a sob escape your lips.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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