Happiness. Butterflies. Kisses And Us.

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It's been weeks since the drama. Our final exams ended yesterday and soon graduation was on its way. Life couldn't get better. Mom and Richard were getting all cozy, Blake had become the eye candy of the school and had girls chasing him like bees after honey. Andy and Emily were dating. The news was broken out to me when I saw the two of them making out in the school hallway. I was mad. After all I was Em's best friend still she didn't tell me anything. Well.. I accepted their relationship in the end.. I wasn't anyone who had the right to take away their happiness and I was glad.

And as for me and Damien? Well.. Uh.. We were more than friends.. He didn't propose me though.. We admitted our liking towards each other but rather than that..i don't know what were we. Damien's been an awesome partner. Yeah sometimes he gets all hyped up because of the fights I get in but rather than that it's okay. He didn't dress like a nerd now. He dressed like the sexy piece of.. Umm ahem. You know what I mean.

Honestly, I'm in love with Damien. And I know he is too but all this is new to me. I'm too vulnerable to tell him my feelings. Yeah I don't think before punching guys but this.... It's totally different.

Today was my date with him and as well Andy had a date with Em.
It took him literally a decade to ask me out really. I still remember Damien all flustered and stuttering when he asked me out on a date. And to say the least, I was happy like hell. I literally wanted to throw my hands up and dance like a maniac but stayed reserved.

My life's been full of happiness. And I've found myself back again. Also this day is important to me as I was going to tell Damien about my past. I know hearing it will probably change his mind but I wanted him to tell the truth. That's why I called him up a few minutes ago to come to my home so that we can talk. He seemed worried but I assured him it's about my past.

Mom and Richard went to their - I mean mom's house to spend time together and Andy was getting ready for his date. They were going on a tour for 2 days somewhere. Richard was happy to find his son dating and said adorable things to Emily making her blush.

The doorbell rang signalling arrival of Damien. I hurried downstairs and opened the door to find a smiling Damien on my doorstep.

"Hey Amy.. " saying this he pulled me in a hug.

I chuckled. "Miss me already?"

We used to hug and kiss almost every time now. I just couldn't believe this boy made me like this. Made me happy.

He released me and I smiled.

"Am I'm leaning and you - " he stopped midway whistling. " Oh the lover boy's here.. "

I rolled my eyes whereas Damien chuckled.

" Okay sisi, no funny business and even if you do, use protection.. " he said wiggling his eyebrows.

" Andy!! " I shouted. Gosh this is so embarrassing.

He laughed.." Anyway. I'll leave now.. You take care and give a call if something happens. "

He kissed my forehead and turned to Damien.

" Take care of her. " Andy said to Damien.

He nodded. " I will. ".

" Behave with Emily Bro! " I waved my hand at him.

He winked and went away taking his new BMW. Richard had bought him the car a few days back.

" So shall we talk? " Damien asked me.

I nodded and took him upstairs.

He sat on my bed and I went to my closet. Pulling the drawer which I never opened till now, I took out a photograph.

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