Chapter 7 - 'Well, well, well...'

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Nine weeks later.....

"Evvie! Will you come downstairs a minute love?" called Mrs. Johnson.


Celeste Johnson smiled to herself as she walked away from the stairs and entered the living room, where her husband sat waiting for her.

"I'm nervous," Celeste admitted. "What if she gets upset?"

Her husband smiled gently. He loved his wife unconditionally and the news they received threw them for a loop. He knew that they will overcome any and all difficulties. This came as a shock but it couldn't be helped. No matter what Evvie's reaction is, it won't change anything. He will ensure it, even if it meant changes will have to take place.

"Sweetheart, you are worrying too much. I will deal with Evvie. Just sit there and try to relax. I will handle everything."

"Handle what?" Evvie asked as she entered the room. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes dear," Celeste responded. "Please sit down. We need to talk."

"Talk about what?" Evvie asked. She narrowed her eyes at them slightly. These humans! She thought derisively. Always want to talk talk talk!

Jarrod Johnson narrowed his eyes at Evvie's expression. For the past six months he couldn't help feeling something was wrong with Evvie, He still remembers the Warden's expression when they adopted Evvie. After all this time he realized what that strange expression was: fear. Everything was great the first couple of months after the adoption. The took Evvie to their homes in Italy, Spain, Brussels and even a short cruise through the Mediterranean. They wanted to give this new daughter of theirs everything she has been denied her entire life. He got the impression though that she was not impressed by the sights, which was strange he thought, for a child who has never seen or been to those places. It was as if she was bored by the entire trip!

His wife of course saw nothing wrong with Evvie's lack of enthusiasm for those places they expected her to be enthused with. She disregarded it as Evvie being "overwhelmed" or "shy". He on the other hand couldn't shake the feeling that something else was not right. Several times over the course of the past few months when his wife would correct Evvie for some minor thing: how to hold a fork correctly or a manner of speech or even to remove her muddy shoes on the one occasion she entered the kitchen from playing outside. Unknown to Evvie he saw a flash of something he can only refer to as rage enter her eyes. One time he could've sworn her eyes flashed red! But it was too quick and he brushed it off as a trick of the light. Always afterwards she will be all sweetness and light, quick to apologize and never once made the same mistake twice. That in itself was remarkably unusual for a child to accomplish so easily, at least he thought so!

He mentally shook his head and eyed Evvie directly. He saw her visibly pull back her annoyance and again smiled and sweetly asked, "What do you want to talk about Daddy?"

Just the way she pulled back her anger caused Jarrod some disquiet. Choosing to ignore it for now he quietly said, "We have some news to share with you. I do hope that you will listen to what we have to say and feel free to ask any questions afterwards. Agreed?"

"Of course, Daddy! But...I am a bit scared at what you are about to say because you seem so serious!" Evvie's eyes opened wide and tears filled them. "Are you sending me back?', she whispered.

"No! of course not! We would never send you back honey! You are our daughter now and a part of this family! I can never send you away!" Celeste cried, as she grabbed Evvie into a hug. "Don't you ever ever feel that way at all!"

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