Chapter 6 - The Oracle

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So sorry for the delay! Just when I was about to save the chapter I lost it -_-
Trust me it is the hardest thing to write and then when about to post disappears! Had to really psyche myself up to rewrite. Felt so depressed! But anyways here it is! Will try to update more often as requested! Love you all! :)


6 months later....

The woman trudged her way slowly and carefully through the dark, dismal and cold tunnel. It smelt musty and she was sure that there were bats flying around her head at times. Her senses were on high alert. She paused ever so often to listen to a sound probably imagined or only one that she alone can hear.
For several months she has been searching for this place. She nearly felt relieved that her quest is close to an end. Her mission burned inside of her with an intensity that she almost felt it manifest physically into a pain inside her. She must, must succeed!
She cannot fail for failure will mean the end of mankind. That...she will not allow.
Suddenly she heard it...the whispers. Soft words in a language long, long gone.

"Rachsa di mundar liste a duhga" Who enters here uninvited.

"I have come to speak with the Oracle regarding the Evil One".

"The Evil One? Ha! She was entombed where none can find it!"

She gulped. "She has been found and has been free for years."

There was silence. The woman felt an intensity in the air as though the air had suddenly become thick. Suddenly without warning a screech came to her ears. She fell to the ground, hands over her ears in pain. It intensified and she writhed on the ground in pain until everything went dark and she slid into unconsciousness.


She awoke slowly. Her body ached as though she was beaten. She kept her eyes closed but carefully moved her hands which were at her sides, feeling the ground beneath her. Peering between her eyelids she saw that she was in a brightly lit room or cave. How did she get here?

"I know you're awake so if you are done pretending to be dead perhaps you can tell me how the Evil One is loose upon this earth? Especially after I ensured that will never occur?" Came the harsh voice.

The woman carefully sat up and looked around. Her eyes landed on a figure stood with its back towards her across the room. They were tall and dressed in a black shirt and black slacks. Hair midnight black and curled slightly over the collar of its shirt. Suddenly the figure turned around and the woman gasped.
The most handsomest man stood there. Eyes a piercing blue, lips as pink as a newly budded rose and sharp cheekbones in a gorgeous face. He was well built, broad shoulders and had a tapered waist. He was quite frankly the most attractive man she has ever seen.

"If you are done raping me with your eyes perhaps you would be so kind as to tell me what the f**k happened!?" he shouted. 

She flinched and stood up, carefully voiding her face of any emotions. Smoothing down her skirt she disdainfully looked at him and said,

"Well I was the one who let her out." Jessica cooly arched an eyebrow at him. He moved so fast and within a blink and appeared, nose to nose with her.


Jessica couldn't help the gulp in her throat. His eyes were no longer blue but glowed red with fiery flames. Jessica wondered whether she made a mistake in coming here.

"I...I um...I let her free."

He glared at her for a few more moments, hands made into fists which twitched continuously.


She swallowed the lump in her throat. How can she explain that her entire life she was taught or programmed to release Evvie?

He sighed and relaxed. Jessica eyes opened wide. What!?

"Give me your hands", he said. "Let me see the truth of why you released that which is evil."

Tentatively Jessica placed her hands into the outstretched palms of the Oracle. As her palms touched his, she felt a shock and saw everything in her lifetime flashed like a movie reel in her mind's eye. Just as suddenly as it started he released her.

He shook his head in disgust. "You idiots do not know what you have done."

"I know now releasing her was foolish..."

"Foolish? Foolish? It was abominable!" He glared angrily at Jessica. "Years of powerful magic, blood and sacrifice was made to imprison her, all undone in a matter of moments."

"I am sorry."

"Sorry!? Ha! Keep your apologies, minion. You will help me correct what you have undone." He turned away and started walking away out of the cave.

Jessica stood there. What on earth have she gotten herself into? She squared her shoulders. Evvie cannot be allowed to get away with her dastardly plans. No matter what it took Jessica must stop her at any cost, even if it is the cost of her own life itself.

"Wait! What do I call you? Do you have a name? I mean...I can hardly keep referring to you as The Oracle can I?"

The Oracle stopped and looked back at Jessica.

"Names. Huh. Fine then you can call me Sam. Come. There is much we have to do." His blue eyes raked over Jessica's form before turning away.

Jessica sighed and followed after him.

(Pic of Sam on the side. Hehehe! Vote! Comment! Like each chapter pretty please? It would give me more encouragement to update more often! Thankies! Muah! ;) lol!)

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