Just Cut It :: PakTC

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(this took sO FAKING LONG


anyway enjoy)

Pak's gaze was trained on his book as he read, popping his gum loudly.

Blame brushed a hand over his lips, earning a slap. "Stop!" whined Pak. I'm trying to read."

"Make sure you don't fall asleep with that gun in your mouth."

"I won't," came the absent reply. Blame rolled his eyes. He will.



BTC was laughing his ass off, slapping his knees and nearly choking on air.

"WHAT'S SO FUNNY?" demanded Pak.

It took Blame a minute to regain his breath. "Ahh, it's so funny. Ah. Well, I went to run my fingers through your hair but, haha, there's gum in it."

Pak's expression was hilarious. He touched the top of his head and his heart immediately leapt with dread. "Is it that bad?" he whimpered.

"Pretty bad. Dude, it's okay. Just cut it."

"I don't want to!"

Blame facepalmed. "Pak, I swear, you're as bad as a child. Fine. I'll cut your hair."

He picked up Pak bridal style and set him down gently in a chair, then wrapping an apron around his neck and returning from the kitchen with scissors. "Alright, let's get this show on the road!

-1 hour later-

"How does it look?" Pak bounced up and down excitedly.

Blame raised an eyebrow. "Your hopes are way too high, dude." He cringed as he handed Pak a mirror.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" he sobbed.

"Hey hey, I did cut the gum out!" Blame defended himself.

Pak's hair was long on both sides but cut choppily, with his head having been shaven and the back was short and uneven. "No, no, it's so hideous!" He kept crying over his once majestic hair.

Blame heaved a sigh. "Fine, fine! We'll go talk to Aurey about it!"

They walked over to her house (as she lived across the road) and knocked.

"Hi g- oh bananas, what happened to your hair?"

Pak sniffled. "I got gum in it and this fool-" shouldering Blame- "cut it."

Aurey pretended to gag and led Pak to a chair. "Okay, I'll fix you up."

-20 mins later-

Pak brushed a hand over his skull. Everything was smooth, and so even! "Flawless!" he complimented Aurey.

Even Blame looked a bit surprised.

Pak just stuck his tongue out at him.

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