The Dark Room :: NebTC/SMS

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(Hi! This is being written on the way home from holy church, so I apologize if it sucks. Anyway, this is Blazzium 's prompt: When someone mysteriously locks four Mindcrackers in the same room together, ships start going out and so are painful memories and murders they wanted to forget. Thanks to RuddiestBubbles for hosting this... yet again! Let's go!)

When Kurt showed up at Nebris's with Zisteau, he didn't expect much to happen.

He had come over to buy a batch of strength II potions for him and his boyfriend for a PvP battle later in the week. What better person to get the overpowered potions from, than Nebris?

But when he knocked on the door, Nebs didn't answer. Instead, someone else opened it and dragged the two men through, pulling them into a basement and locking the door. Nebris and BTC were already down there.

"Uh hi." Blame waved awkwardly.

"Why are we down here? Did you hire a hit man or something?" Zisteau pointed an accusing finger at Nebs.

Nebris narrowed his eyes. "No, fool. Blame came over to get a batch of the same potions you guys wanted after that guy infiltrated my house and dragged me down here. Why would I hire a hit man, anyway?"

Suddenly, a loud banging sounded from the trapdoor up above. "Talk about the murders!" called a voice in a singsong tone.

Fire filled Blame's steady gaze. "What if we don't?" he asked evenly.

The same voice from earlier answered, "This room is hooked up to Pistons that retract, dropping you into a pit of lava." It gave a laugh as the four men backed up to the walls. "Do you want that?"

"No," Kurt mumbled shakily.

"Okay." They envisioned the speaker nodding with satisfaction. "Now... Where do we start... Ah yes! The prime suspect. Nebris, how about you tell us why you did it."

Zisteau's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "I thought we agreed not to talk about it."

Te floor drew back a few inches, revealing a bubbling pool of lava. "Speak now or forever hold your peace!" cheered the speaker.

"Okay okay, fine! But it wasn't me!" Nebris insisted. "I would have no reason to kill Seth. Even though Etho was in the death games, Seth wasn't, and I-"

"How did you know Etho was in the death games?" probed the voice. "My name is Not, by the way."

Nebs sighed. "I was in it too. Anyway, I wouldn't kill him like that. I swear-" He was cut off yet again by the quiet man sitting in the corner.

"It's me," Blame announced. "I did it."

Kurt looked distressed, tears threatening to spill over if this kept up much longer.

Not gave a relieved laugh. "Excellent! Now, my dear BTC, why don't you explain what happened?"

Kurt had huddled into Zisteau's shoulder at this point.

Blame took a deep breath.

"Uh, well, I killed Etho because... hestolenebrisfromme," he said quickly.

Nebris glanced at him. "I heard my name."

"Say it slower, dear," sang Not.

Blame narrowed his eyes. "I. Killed. Etho. Because. He. Stole. Nebris. From. Me." At Nebris's look, he added, "Happy?"

Not seemed to nod his head. "Now tell us why Seth is dead..."

BTC rolled his eyes. "Well, he came to help Etho."

Nebs got up and approached Blame. The masked man backed up into he corner, thinking he was gonna get stabbed or choked, but instead Nebris leaned down and pressed his lips against BTC's.

Blame's eyes widened in shock but he melted into the kiss, whining when Nebs pulled away and sat next to him.

Zisteau laughed. "Oooh, someone's got a fetish for killers!" he teased.

Nebris glared at him.

Not broke in. "Thank you for your time everyone! Allso, someone might want to stay with the Doctor over there, he seems unstable."

They envisioned Not winking as he opened the door and vanished.

(AN: AND WE HAVE IT! So sorry it's short, but I didn't have a lot of time. Comment what you think about Not! I really like him. Ciao!)

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