The Alpha's Only Heir- Chapter Three

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A/N: My apologies everyone I was intending to have this updated last week but things are crazed at work. I'm trying my first case in full hearing on wednesday- talk about intense.

I want to say thank you to everyone who comments, votes, and fans I'm so gratful to all of you!!


“You will not now nor ever be allowed to corrupt my son.” My hands on my hips, I laced a hint of power into my voice, “Do you understand or do I need to make that a direct order?” Hands up in the air, they surrendered.

“Don’t mess with mamma wolf.” Marie jokes grabbing my hand and pulling me back towards the manor. “Now Dad told me the update. I’ve already voiced my opinions loud and clear. But in the meantime, you should be more trusting of me. I completely re-did the whole suite. Now, take me to my nephew so I can spoil the chipmunk before the party this evening.” My head which had been nodding along as we cut through the woods immediately spun.


“If you leave your face like that it might get stuck.” John teases coming up on my right. “Besides, there are two parts to this party.”

“Our part is going to rock!” Steve shouts from Jeff’s back. He jumped on his younger brother at some point for piggy back right.

Remind me again why I’m the grown up one here. In all technicality I was the youngest by a month, my twenty fourth birthday not until the fall. Steve was the oldest, he turned twenty-eight at the beginning of the year, Jeff and John were born two minutes apart a year later. Marie rounded out the bunch, her birthday exactly one month before mine. Shaking my head I continued walking. Maybe there was some way I could get out of this party or at least the one the boys planned. Their parties were known in the pack as a little wild and a little crazy which was all just a little too much for me. Besides who would watch Matthew?


I reached the front lawn and again looked at the manor this time seeing the present, the changes, instead of the past. Even from the distance I could see the outside of the manor really needed a new coat of paint and I even guessed the gutters hadn’t been cleaned in forever. “Old girl needs some work right?” Steve joked slinging his arm across my shoulders.

Jeff and John sprinted ahead of us for the black truck where Phil had stayed with Matthew. “Alright you two, you can play. But remember what I said.” I shouted across the lawn, nodding to Phil to let the boys play.

“Don’t worry so much. It’s only an hour before dinner how much trouble could they get in?” Marie asked.

“Yeah right.”

“I’ll go keep an eye on them if you want?” Steve offered. I nodded; I knew he was as excited to see Matthew as the twins were.

“I forget sometimes, how wrapped around your finger you have him.” Marie teased leading me inside. “Don’t worry the guys will get it. Your father would have the Omegas do it but you know my Dad.” I followed her, it only now registering how different my life has been these last five years.

“At the school, it was very different. I was a teacher, all the students called me Miss. Here I’m an Alpha.” Marie stopped and looked at me; I could see the wheels turning behind her brown eyes. “Don’t get me wrong, this feels more natural but I have my father’s rules here not my own.”

“Just give it some time.” Her hand guided me inside and in front of her. “I have things in my room for you.”

“So what’s the agenda for the night?” I sneaked a look around as Marie followed me up the winding staircase.

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