The Alpha's Only Heir- Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Wow. It's been a long time coming and I hope you guys don't mind a short chapter. I'm greatful to everyone who has stuck around for this story and supported me. I also want to say "hi & thank you" to all the new people out there that have added this story to their reading list.

I found a quote I wanted to share, it doesn't have anything to do this chapter but more about me and my life right now. Jim Rohn said, "Happiness is not something you postpone for the furture; it is something you design for the present."

Keeping my happiness and my dreams at the forefront of my mind has lead me downa  wonderful new path. Please message me if you would like to know more. Otherwise, I'd like to present the next chapter in T.A.O.H.


As soon as the Jeep pulled up to the last village I could see the eyes follow our every movement. It was, although, once we got to the town hall that I saw the head of our greeting community; a petite, bouncing thing that Kelli had informed me was Molly, Evan’s mate.

“So you’re the one who nearly killed my mate.” Molly all but growled at me as soon as I stepped out of the Jeep.

“Control her Evan or you won’t like me very much.” I bit off, my eyes narrowing on her.

“Mols, you do not disrespect our femme alpha like that. You will apologize and wait for me at your sister’s.”

“I will do no such thing.” She spit back in face. I went to step forward and deal with this when Kelli jumped in and slapped Molly across the face.

“You disrespect Evan, yourself and your pack for your words. Leave now.” Her voice was strong as she gave out the command. I suddenly felt a tug in my mind and opened up, it was Kelli.

‘We can’t have you fighting your guards’ mate, that’s not going to win you any brownie points but you fighting with their best healer that could turn them against you. My stepping in will be the best.’

Nodding slightly I gauged the crowd, some were shocked by the scene but I could tell many were on Molly’s side. It looks like she had been doing a lot of talking whilst being here.

‘Agreed. I will have to have a talk to her about this but privately.’

I could sense Evan’s hesitation, ‘Have I lost your trust so easily once again?’ I spoke quietly in his mind. I didn’t wait for an answer, instead nodding to Kelli to lead the way. It was time to make the final announcement.

_-_-_-_-_ Chapter 14_-_-_-_-_

After my announcement I went to Molly’s sister’s house, her family offering apologies once they saw me. “I need to speak with Molly, if that’s alright?” I was quickly ushered into a living room where Evan and Molly waited for me. I felt the tension in the room and I was torn. How to make this situation better? I stood in the center of the room and beckoned Evan forward. “Do you remember what you told me after my sixteenth birthday?” My vague question confused everyone else but him. He had been my friend once and I did not want this meeting taking him away again.

 “Scars define our past but not our future.”

 “It’s with these scars that others define our worth.” Then speaking up I looked around at the full room. “I would like to speak to her alone.” I looked pointedly at Evan and Kelli who grudgingly nodded their concord. Once we were alone I sat down on the couch and looked at Molly. I could see what Evan liked about her, she was very different from everyone we grew up with; her pixie cut blonde hair made me yearn to relate her to Tinkerbell.

 “Are you done staring at me yet?” Her annoyance only made me smile.

 “For the moment.” Her eyes narrowed in my direction however I pressed on. “Now you had something you wanted to say to me about your claim I almost killed Evan?”


 I sent a blessing to the heavens that I did not inherit Leon’s quick and ultimately violent temper. As Molly stood before me ranting and raving about what I did five years ago to her precious mate. If it had been Leon in my place she would be dead by now.

 “Are you finished?” I questioned as she took a deep breath. Nodding her assent I pointed to the seat next to me. “Good now I will ask you to listen. First, you need to be aware that had you said any of this in front of my father or family you would have been killed.” I silenced her with my eyes before continuing. “That is not a scare tactic but a fact- move on. Second, it was a coming of age challenge! You know the rules that each person accepts the moment they step into the ring.” Taking a breath I sent out an apology. “Do you think so little of your mate that he should have declined his right to challenge? His right within the pack?”

 “No of course not!”

 “But you blame me for all his injuries?”

 “Well you were the one there!”

 “Do you honestly think I was the only one in the ring with him?”

 “You almost killed him.”

 “Key word there is almost. I could have but I didn’t. I knocked him unconscious when he refused to back down.”

 “You should have backed down!” Her voice raged and I saw Kelli appear in the shadows of the doorway.

 “You expect your alpha to back down?” My voice was calm, I thought about using my powers on her but that would be no-way to gain her trust.

 “I expect a woman to know her place.” The defiance in her gaze drew my anger forth. As soon as it came I knocked it down. I shifted close to her, slowly raising my left wrist to her eye level. I waited until I saw her fully absorb the mark that I bore.

 “I know my place- it is you who has lost sight of their place.” Clearing my throat I called Evan into the room to face me. “You will choose your wife’s punishment; either she will be banned from shifting and her work until she makes amends or my chosen beta will distribute the appropriate punishment as he sees fit.”

 “Who is your beta?” Evan asked hushing Molly with his hand.

 “Steve Logan.” With that I went to the chair closest to Kelli. ‘Fair punishment.’ Kelli pushed into my mind the smirk evident in her voice. If you didn’t know Steve, you would think that this punishment would be crossing a line but luckily Evan knew him almost as well as I did.

 Evan and Molly were hotly arguing- the frantic hand motions from Molly told me Evan agreed with me. “That’s enough Molly!” His raised voice took everyone by surprise. “Being upset that I got hurt was one thing but the disrespect you’ve displayed is embarrassing. You have shamed your alpha, your family and me.” Turning his back on her he approached me, his face a mask. “She will be punished as your beta sees fit.” Nodding my head I let him leave and motioned Molly to come to me.

 “Hold out your hands, please.” Without giving her a moment to argue I grabbed her hands and let my powers set forth the command. I watched her flinch as I inserted myself into her mind, not bothering to take my time. ‘You have twenty-four hours to reach my beta Steve Logan. You can speak only to him and you can only tell him verbatim what happened. You can not lie, you can tell anyone of your punishment. Any urge to have to go against my command will reflect on your life. Any command Steve Logan sets forth would be as if it was my own.’ “Go.” I saw the fear in her eyes and I hated the fact that a part of me enjoyed it. That was the first time I realized that I had not escaped some of my father’s evilness.

 I bide goodnight to Evan’s in-laws and I went straight to the jeep, opting to sit in the front this time. Ebb drove us all back to the manor in silence. I could tell he was actually looking forward to the chaos and routine of the bar.

 As we drove up the gravel road I turned to everyone in the car. “Thank you for coming with me.” With that I bade everyone goodnight and made a beeline for my suite.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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