The Alpha's Only Heir- Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to All my awesome fans

A/N: OMG! I'm bouncing in my seat! HUGS to everyone!! You all brought me up to the top 100 list for Werewolf and Watty Awards list. I'm so flatter and happy right now. Werewolf #49, Watty Award’s #86, What’s Hot #394 (Side note since it’s Harry Potter week I have to say that like Snape does in HP3 “Turn to page three hundred and ninety-four.”) It’s also now in red... which is very exciting for me.

I'm so sorry for the wait, hopefully the five pages in word is worth it. ;) Enjoy, vote, comment, like- you know!

Side note: Line dancing is mentioned in this chapter; now I know some people are quirking their eyebrows shaking their heads or otherwise throughly unhappy with this decision. However, I would like it to be know that just some line dancing seen in older movies, etc. is just that old. I've been to many places where you have amazing dancers who do these crazy foot step dancing to everything from country to the top 40 hits. And let me tell you, when it's done right it rocks. Also the song mentioned is in the link on the right if you wanna listen to it.


“For those of you who may not know, this is Matthew, my son.”

Oh yeah! That’s the way to tell them. Marie’s laugh echoes in my head as I look around the table. I had always been very quiet when I had come home for visits, never staying at the house for long and never letting anyone know too much about my life and therefore Matthew. I felt it was safer that way, especially when he was a baby.

Christopher was the first one to react.

“Here you go, right where you belong then.” Placing his chair down he got down in a crouch, “Now do you like Matthew or Matt? Because my name is Christopher but I like it when certain people call me Chris.” Looking up quickly I swear he winked at me before intently looking at Matthew for an answer.

“No one’s ever called me Matt.” He stuck his chin out, finding some bravery. “But you’re nice so I’ll let you.”

Phil let out a deep chuckle as Christopher helped Matthew set up his plate. Nodding my thanks I looked at the rest of the table. No one seemed to have much of a problem except Helen who looked like I had just said I have a wart the size of Texas growing on my neck and Marcus who most definitely wanted to spit nails.


“You’re mated?” Marcus hissed reeling backwards from Matthew as if he had a disease. There were some loud objections from the Logan family and my cousin. I however put my arm on Matthew chair preparing for a further outburst. It also didn’t go unnoticed the protective stance that Christopher took up behind the two of us.

“Lily is Matthew’s official guardian by human laws and our own, offered all the protection and ranking as any future child of our femme Alpha.” Phil spoke loud and clear and I took that moment to serve myself and Matthew. I took my fork and stabbed the closest thing to me, the roasted red potatoes. Taking a bite for myself I turned to Matthew holding out the fork. He gave me a funny look, considering I haven’t feed him in ages, but the smell got to him and he finished the rest of the potato before giving my fork back to me. The silent act of feeding Matthew off my own silverware signaled exactly where my priorities laid, with the future of the pack.

I looked around the table as everyone’s eyes were on me. Matthew is a strong pup whom I’m proud to have as my ‘adoptive’ son. I spoke into each mind at the table pouring my alpha power into each word and lacing it with an unspoken threat. All eyes dropped out of respect, though Marcus’ was last and most definitely not happy with me pulling rank on him. Speaking into each other’s minds was a gift, the ability to push a thought into another’s mind. As the heir to the alpha-hood however, I could not only speak into everyone’s mind but I could also block out everyone as well. A gift, that has saved me from plenty of headaches over the years.

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