The Alpha's Only Heir- Chapter Six

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A/N: I edited the end of the last chapter. It was brought to my attention that the POV didn't make sense. Hopefully it does now...

ALSO I worked really hard this chapter was 6.5 pages in word so hopefully youall will like it and won't be upset at me for taking so long. ;) Please vote, comment, like, etc. Let me know what you think.


He watched her disappear into the house her fierceness left something stirring inside him.

“You all right?” Jeff reached down to our brother helping him back up.

“Remind me never to sneak up on her again.” John said rubbing his backside. “I feel like I just got slammed by a sumo wrestler.”

“Kelli, go find my sister. Christopher go with her, I’m hoping Joshua is staying with her through the rain.” He ordered, ignoring his brother’s jokes. Nodding those two left, traveling back the way they came.

“Seems Matthew is a touchy subject with our new femme.” William trudged past the three brothers, obviously in no hurry to help anyone.

Let him go. He pushed into his brothers’ mind as they watched him walked away. “He doesn’t like Lily’s disregard for our Alpha’s ways. And doesn’t care too much for her either.”

“Will he be a problem?” Jeff looked at his older brother, who understood the double meaning.

“I’ll let you know.” A spark of anger flared up in him when he realized William would be one of the people protecting Lily tomorrow.

“What’s going on with the little guy?” John asked unable to hear anything through the pack link.

“Dad’s got no idea how to handle him crying.” The brothers all started laughing.

“And here I thought it was something life threatening.” Nodding Steve lead the way into the house.


I ushered everyone out of the room not saying a word in return to any of them. I threw the bolt on along with the clamps at the top and bottom, securing the door as best as I could in my own house. I resisted the urge to do more knowing that there was no point; the noise it would make to break in as it is would be enough to wake me. If I feel asleep that is. It took me two hours of calming Matthew down before he fell asleep and the clock on the far wall ticked away the time reiterating that dawn was not far off.

I wanted to be mad, but as I felt the surge of emotion built up inside me it wasn’t anger that surfaced but my own unease and sadness. This incident just proved how right I was keeping him away from all this. He was too young to understand the complex web of statements that are easily perceived by adults. I went into my own room deciding a hot shower would help clear my mind enough to hopefully catch a couple hours of sleep.

I was wrong. After the shower my mind was more awake, running a thousand miles a minute unable to let me sleep. So after throwing on an oversized shirt and pajama pants I decided to deal with a surprise Marie left me in my closet. I wouldn’t have enough found it if I wasn’t furiously trying to find something comfy to wear instead of the things Marie had provided for me.

In the back corner of my closet Marie had left me a very large truck with the name Chloe engraved on the top; my mother’s trunk. I thought most of my mother’s belongs had been hidden or gotten rid of years ago; this suite of her had been void of life since her death. But obviously Marie found something she wanted to make sure I had. I grabbed the side handle and pulled it free into my room so I could open it up. Once settled I let my fingers trace of her name, feeling my mark warm as I did. It was comforting for me to think she was still connected to me, even if it was only through this mark.

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