Joining Iwatobi High School

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(In this story your name is Ayumi, you're 17, you have long, light blue hair & brown eyes and you're from England but you've moved to Japan because of your father's work)
Hope you enjoy the story<3
*Class is making lots of noise when you shyly walk through the door*(In this story your name is Ayumi, you're 17, you have long, light blue hair & brown eyes and you're from England but you've moved to Japan because of your father's work)
Hope you enjoy the story<3
*Class is making lots of noise when you shyly walk through the door*
Teacher:Listen up class!
*Class quiets down*
Teacher:Today we have a new student, I want you all to welcome her to Iwatobi
*Turns to talk to you*
Teacher:Why don't you tell everyone a bit about yourself
You:Hello, my name is Ayumi, I'm seventeen and I just moved here from England, I'm exited to be joining Iwatobi High
*The class applauds you*
Teacher:Thank you Ayumi, why don't you go and sit down over there next to Makoto
*You glance around the class and see a boy with brown hair and sparkling emerald green eyes waving at you and smiling. You see the empty seat beside him and go to sit down*
Makoto:Hi, I'm Makoto it's nice to meet you!
*He smiles at you and you blush*
You: Erm...hi...I'm sorry I'm just a little nervous
*You look at him with a nervous smile*
Makoto:Oh don't worry, if you need anything just ask me and I'll help you out
1 hour of solving maths equations later
*Bell sounds for the end of class*
Teacher:Okay class, you can go for lunch now
Makoto:Hey, how about you come and have lunch with me, I can introduce you to my friends
You:Okay, that sounds fun!
*Just as you're leaving the classroom you hear a voice shouting*
Nagisa:Hey Makoto!
Rei:Whoa calm down Nagisa!
*You turn to see a short, blonde haired boy dragging a taller boy with blue hair and glasses by the arm*
Makoto:Rei! Nagisa!
Nagisa:Ooooh Makoto is this your girlfriend?
*You look down at the ground and blush, you see Makoto's face go bright red aswell*
Rei:Shut up Nagisa! You're going to scare the poor girl
You: Oh don't worry, it's okay
Makoto: Anyway Ayumi, these are my 2 friends Rei and Nagisa
*Makoto turns to looks at them*
Makoto:Nagisa, Rei, this is Ayumi. She moved here from England
*You smile at the two boys and they smile back*
Makoto:We should probably go and have lunch now
You:Yeah, I'm getting hungry
*Makoto grabs you by the hand and runs up to the roof of the school, Nagisa and Rei follow*
*When you get there, there's a dark-haired boy with a poker-face and a girl with long, red hair tied up in a ponytail*
Makoto:Hi guys, I want to introduce you to Ayumi, she's a new student, she's moved here from England
*You're too busy looking up into the sky, admiring the amazing view to hear what he was saying*
Gou:It's pretty isn't it?
*You get a fright when you see her as you were busy staring into the clouds*
Gou:Sorry for scaring you, I'm Gou and this is Haru, he doesn't smile much, but he's not a bad person
You:Hi, I'm exited to meet both of you!
Gou: Me too!
Rei:Why don't we all sit over there?
*You all go to sit by the wall on the roof of the school*
Nagisa:So Ayumi, have you joined a club yet?
You:No, I'm not sure which club to join but I've loved swimming ever since I was little
Gou:You should join the swim club!
Makoto:Yeah! We're all members of it
Nagisa: Pleaseeeee Ayumi!!!
You:Okay then I'll join!
*Nagisa wraps his arms around you and hugs you*
Rei:Nagisa! Get off Ayumi!
*Haru pulls Nagisa off you and he apologises*
Makoto:Swim club starts tomorrow, be sure to come along
You:Wait, I don't have anything to wear!
*Gou grabs your hands excitedly*
Gou:We can go shopping! I'll help you pick what to wear!
You:That sounds like a lot of fun!
Haru: I'll come too, I need a new swimsuit
Rei: Me too
Nagisa: Let's all go!
Makoto: Okay then. We can go after school
*You all sit and eat lunch together before going back to lessons*
After school
*You, Nagisa and Gou wait at the gates for Makoto, Haru and Rei as you were in class together*
*After 10 minutes of waiting the boys walk over and you go shopping*
You get off the train and arrive at the shop
Nagisa: Ooh look at that one! I think that would suit you Makoto
*Haru goes and looks at the same swimming shorts he always buys, and the rest of the boys go to look at clothes leaving you and Gou to look at swimming suits together*
Gou: Ooh this one's pretty, I think it would suit you Ayumi-chan!
*She holds up a pink tankini with white spots*
You: It's cute but not really my style
*You see a grey one-piece which you like and you hold it up to Gou*
You: What do you think of this one
*She giggles and turns to smile at you*
Gou:It's nice...if you want to look like a 90 year old
*You laugh with her but she spots something else, you spot something aswell*
Gou: Look! I think I've found the perfect thing for you!
*She holds up a black bikini with strings on the sides and back*
You: I love it!
*You show Gou the swimsuit you picked out, it's a turquoise one-piece with the sides and back cut out*
Gou: *Squeals* It's going to look perfect on you! You should go and try them on!
*You both go to the changing rooms, when you get there you see the boys trying on swimming shorts*
Gou:Oh hi guys!
Haru: Are you trying something on?
You: Yeah, I am
*You go in the changing rooms and come out wearing the bikini*
*As you're coming out you turn to see Rei trying on some red swimming shorts*
You: Wow Rei! They look really good on you!
Rei: Thanks Ayumi, I think I'm going to but them
*You turn to see Makoto staring at you blushing*
Makoto: look beautiful
*You feel you're face turn red as you smile and thank him*
Gou:*Squealing again* You look incredible Ayumi!
*You go back inside the changing room and try on the one-piece, this time as you leave the changing room you see Makoto trying on purple swimming shorts*
You: I...I...I
*You can't seem to think straight*
*Now you're staring into each other's eyes, you can feel your heart pounding*
*There's a moment of silence where you both just stare at eachother*
Gou:*Interrupting the silence* Ayumi! It suits you so well!
*You turn to look at Gou*
You:I think I'm going to get them both
Haru:You look good in them, you should definitely buy them
*You all head to the checkout to pay*
Gou:I'm going to the bathroom, Ayumi is coming with me!
*Gou pulls you into the toilets*
Nagisa:You totally like her!
Makoto:*Blushing* Like who?
*He knew exactly what Nagisa meant*
Nagisa:Ayumi of course!
Rei&Haru:Shut up Nagisa!
*Makoto is blushing harder than ever before*
Makoto:I...I know...
*Haru, Rei and Nagisa look at Makoto in shock*
Haru:You do really like her don't you?
Rei:We saw how you were looking at each other
Nagisa:Yeah, you two are meant to be
Makoto:But what if she doesn't feel the same?
Rei:You saw how she was looking at you, she definitely likes you back, don't worry
Back in the bathroom
You:W...what are you doing?
Gou:Did you feel it?
You:Feel what?
Gou:You know what I mean!
*You look at her trying to cover your face which is now a bright red colour*
Gou:You're meant to be
Gou:The way you were looking at eachother, you looked as if you love
You:I...I just...
Gou:*Interrupting you* Do you like him?
Gou:You're totally perfect for each other!
You:But he might not like me...I just don't know what to...
Gou:*Calming you down* It's okay Ayumi, you don't need to worry, I know that Makoto likes you back
You:*Taking a deep breath* Okay
Gou:Anyway, we should probably go and see the boys, they'll be wondering what we're doing
*You nod and you both go out to see the guys*
Nagisa:Are you both okay?
You&Gou:Yeah, why?
Nagisa:Just you were taking a while
Makoto:Yeah, we were a little worried
Me:Don't worry, we're okay
Continued in chapter 2
Hope you enjoyed!
Teacher: "Listen up class!"
*Class quiets down*
Teacher: "Today we have a new student, I want you all to welcome her to Iwatobi"
*Turns to talk to you*
Teacher: "Why don't you tell everyone a bit about yourself"
You: "Hello, my name is Ayumi, I'm seventeen and I just moved here from England, I'm exited to be joining Iwatobi High"
*The class applauds you*
Teacher: "Thank you Ayumi, why don't you go and sit down over there next to Makoto?"
*You glance around the class and see a boy with brown hair and sparkling emerald green eyes waving at you and smiling. You see the empty seat beside him and go to sit down*
Makoto: "Hi, I'm Makoto it's nice to meet you!"
*He smiles at you and you blush*
You: "Erm...hi...I'm sorry I'm just a little nervous"
*You look at him with a nervous smile*
Makoto: "Oh don't worry, if you need anything just ask me and I'll help you out"
1 hour of solving maths equations later
*Bell sounds for the end of class*
Teacher: "Okay class, you can go for lunch now"
Makoto: "Hey, how about you come and have lunch with me, I can introduce you to my friends"
You: "Okay, that sounds fun!"
*Just as you're leaving the classroom you hear a voice shouting*
Nagisa: "Hey Makoto!"
Rei: "Whoa calm down Nagisa!"
*You turn to see a short, blonde haired boy dragging a taller boy with blue hair and glasses by the arm*
Makoto: "Rei! Nagisa!"
Nagisa: "Ooooh Makoto is this your girlfriend?"
*You look down at the ground and blush, you see Makoto's face go bright red aswell*
Rei: "Shut up Nagisa! You're going to scare the poor girl"
You: "Oh don't worry, it's okay"
Makoto: "Anyway Ayumi, these are my 2 friends Rei and Nagisa"
*Makoto turns to looks at them*
Makoto: "Nagisa, Rei, this is Ayumi. She moved here from England"
*You smile at the two boys and they smile back*
Makoto: "We should probably go and have lunch now"
You: "Yeah, I'm getting hungry"
*Makoto grabs you by the hand and runs up to the roof of the school, Nagisa and Rei follow*
*When you get there, there's a dark-haired boy with a poker-face and a girl with long, red hair tied up in a ponytail*
Makoto: "Hi guys, I want to introduce you to Ayumi, she's a new student, she's moved here from England"
*You're too busy looking up into the sky, admiring the amazing view to hear what he was saying*
Gou: "It's pretty isn't it?"
*You get a fright when you see her as you were busy staring into the clouds*
Gou: "Sorry for scaring you, I'm Gou and this is Haru, he doesn't smile much, but he's not a bad person"
You: "Hi, I'm exited to meet both of you!"
Gou: "Me too!"
Rei: "Why don't we all sit over there?"
Haru: "Okay"
*You all go to sit by the wall on the roof of the school*
Nagisa: "So Ayumi, have you joined a club yet?"
You: "No, I'm not sure which club to join but I've loved swimming ever since I was little
Gou: You should join the swim club!"
Makoto: "Yeah! We're all members of it"
Nagisa: "Pleaseeeee Ayumi!!!"
You: "Okay then I'll join!"
*Nagisa wraps his arms around you and hugs you*
Rei: "Nagisa! Get off Ayumi!"
*Haru pulls Nagisa off you and he apologises*
Makoto: "Swim club starts tomorrow, be sure to come along!"
You: "Wait, I don't have anything to wear!"
*Gou grabs your hands excitedly*
Gou: "We can go shopping! I'll help you pick what to wear!"
You: "That sounds like a lot of fun!"
Haru: "I'll come too, I need a new swimsuit"
Rei: "Me too"
Nagisa: "Let's all go!"
Makoto: "Okay then. We can go after school"
*You all sit and eat lunch together before going back to lessons*
After school
*You, Nagisa and Gou wait at the gates for Makoto, Haru and Rei as you were in class together*
*After 10 minutes of waiting the boys walk over and you go shopping*
You get off the train and arrive at the shop
Nagisa: "Ooh look at that one! I think that would suit you Makoto"
*Nagisa points to a yellow pair of swimming shorts*
Makoto:*Laughs* "They're a bit bright Nagisa"
*Haru goes and looks at the same swimming shorts he always buys, and the rest of the boys go to look at clothes leaving you and Gou to look at swimming suits together*
Gou: "Ooh this one's pretty, I think it would suit you Ayumi-chan!"
*She holds up a pink tankini with white spots*
You: "It's cute but not really my style"
*You see a grey one-piece which you like and you hold it up to Gou*
You: "What do you think of this one"
*She giggles and turns to smile at you*
Gou: "It's nice...if you want to look like a 90 year old"
*You laugh with her but she spots something else, you spot something aswell*
Gou: "Look! I think I've found the perfect thing for you!"
*She holds up a black bikini with strings on the sides and back*
You: "I love it!"
*You show Gou the swimsuit you picked out, it's a turquoise one-piece with the sides and back cut out*
Gou: *Squeals* "It's going to look perfect on you! You should go and try them on!"
*You both go to the changing rooms, when you get there you see the boys trying on swimming shorts*
Gou: "Oh hi guys!"
Nagisa: "Hello"
Haru: "Are you trying something on Ayumi-Chan?"
You: "Yeah, I am"
*You go in the changing rooms and come out wearing the bikini*
*As you're coming out you turn to see Rei trying on some red swimming shorts*
You: "Wow Rei! They look really good on you!"
Rei: "Thanks Ayumi, I think I'm going to but them"
*You turn to see Makoto staring at you blushing*
Makoto: " look beautiful"
*You feel you're face turn red as you smile and thank him*
Gou: *Squealing again* "You look incredible Ayumi!"
*You go back inside the changing room and try on the one-piece, this time as you leave the changing room you see Makoto trying on purple swimming shorts*
You: "I...I...I"
*You can't seem to think straight*
Makoto: "A...Ayumi..."
*Now you're staring into each other's eyes, you can feel your heart pounding*
*There's a moment of silence where you both just stare at eachother*
Gou: *Interrupting the silence* "Ayumi! It suits you so well!"
*You turn to look at Gou*
You: "I think I'm going to get them both"
Haru: "You look good in them, you should definitely buy them"
*You all head to the checkout to pay*
Gou: "I'm going to the bathroom, Ayumi is coming with me!"
*Gou pulls you into the toilets*
Nagisa: "You totally like her!"
Makoto: *Blushing* "Like who?"
*He knew exactly what Nagisa meant*
Nagisa: "Ayumi of course!"
Rei&Haru: "Shut up Nagisa!"
*Makoto is blushing harder than ever before*
Makoto: "I...I know..."
*Haru, Rei and Nagisa look at Makoto in shock, they didn't expect him to admit to liking you*
Haru: "You really like her don't you?"
Rei: "We saw how you were looking at each other"
Nagisa: "Yeah, you two are meant to be"
Makoto: "But what if she doesn't feel the same?"
Rei: "You saw how she was looking at you, she definitely likes you back, don't worry"
Back in the bathroom
You: "W...what are you doing?"
Gou: "Did you feel it?"
You: "Feel what?"
Gou: "You know what I mean!"
*You look at her trying to cover your face which is now a bright red colour*
Gou: "You're meant to be"
You: "W...what?"
Gou: "The way you were looking at eachother, you looked as if you love"
You: "I...I just..."
Gou: *Interrupting you* "Do you like him?"
You: *Silence*
Gou: "Don't worry, you can trust me"
You: ""
Gou: "You're totally perfect for each other!"
You: "But he might not like me...I just don't know what to..."
Gou: *Calming you down* "It's okay Ayumi, you don't need to worry, I know that Makoto likes you back"
You: *Taking a deep breath* "Okay"
Gou: "Anyway, we should probably go and see the boys, they'll be wondering what we're doing"
*You nod and you both go out to see the guys*
Nagisa: "Are you both okay?"
You&Gou: "Yeah, why?"
Nagisa: "Just you were taking a while"
Makoto: "Yeah, we were a little worried"
Me: "Don't worry, we're okay"
Continued in chapter 2
Hope you enjoyed!
Feel free to leave suggestions/comments
But no hate please :3

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