Studying at Iwatobi

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It was the morning after the party, everyone woke up
The house was a complete wreck
You: *Rubbing your eyes* "Is everyone awake?"
Makoto: "Y...Yeah I think so"
Gou: "What the hell happened here?"
*You all look around the room, it's completely trashed*
Rin: "Damn, Mom and Dad are gonna kill us if we don't get this cleaned up before they get back"
Rei: "Wait, does anyone remember what happened last night"
Sakura: "All I remember is..." *She blushes intensely* "Kissing...H...Haru"
Haru: "Oh yeah, I remember that"
Akiko: "Yeah you were so kawaii!!!"
Sousuke: "We should probably tidy up now"
Rin: "For sure"
*You all begin tidying when you come across a camera placed precariously behind a photo frame of Rin and Gou when they were younger*
You: "What's this doing here?"
Nagisa: "What's what doing where?"
*You pick up the camera and everyone crowds around you*
You: "It's recorded something"
Gou: "Let's watch it!"
*The video begins and you see a very drunk Haru setting up the camera*
Everyone: "HARU!"
Haru: "What?"
Sakura: "Why were you recording all of last night?"
Haru: "I don't remember recording anything"
Nagisa: "Let's watch the rest"
*You all crowd round the camera again and watch the rest of the video, it turns out that Haru recorded everything from the kiss to Nagisa throwing up*
Akiko: "W...We seriously did all that?"
*You all stand in shock for a minute knowing the state you were in last night*
Makoto: "Why was I even crying?"
Haru: "I...I have no idea"
You: "What was so funny?"
Nagisa: "E...Everything apparently"
Gou: "Why did I think Rin was my dad?"
Rin: "And why did I think I was Gou's uncle?"
Sousuke: "I...I don't know"
Rei: "Why did I want to marry Nagisa?"
Nagisa: "And why did you kiss me?!?!"
Rei: "I'm so sorry"
Nagisa: "You'd better be!"
Rei: "I am"
You: "Anyway, after all that we should probably get back to tidying"
Gou: "Yeah"
After picking up what seems like hundreds of bottles & food wrappers, hoovering floors, scrubbing windows & walls and washing lots of very dirty dishes, the house is finally clean
*You all flop down of the sofa from exhaustion*
Rin: "We did it"
You: "Finally!"
Gou: "Mom and Dad should get back any minute now"
Nagisa: "I'm so tired after all that"
Makoto: "Same"
Akiko & Sakura: "Me too"
*Rin & Gou's parents walk in, they say hi and then go upstairs to unpack from their 2 day vacation*
You: "I should probably go, we have school tomorrow and I still need to do my homework"
Makoto: "Yeah, I should get going aswell"
*Sakura and Haru agree and you all go home ready for school the next day*
It's Wednesday now, 3 days since the morning after the party
You had an important maths test which you've been studying for, for 2 weeks now
*You're sitting in math class beside the window with Makoto behind you, Haru in front of you and Gou across the room from you, you're staring at your test results feeling frustrated with yourself*
You: "N...No"
Makoto: "What's wrong Yumi-chan?"
You: "T...This can't be h...happening"
Makoto: "Ayumi?"
Teacher: "Makoto Tachibana! Sit down and stop talking"
Makoto: "Sorry Sir"
You: "No no no no no"
*You put your head on the table and you get a lump in your throat, you get that sick feeling in your stomach as if you're about to cry*
You: "I...I've failed"
Makoto: *Whispering so the teacher doesn't hear him* "What's up with you today?"
You: "N...Nothing"
Teacher: "Ayumi! Makoto! What did I tell you about talking in class?"
Haru: "You can tell us what's wrong"
*You look over to Gou and she nods, you feel comforted by this*
You: "O...Okay I'll tell you after t...this"
*You see Makoto staring at you with a worried look on his face*
Makoto: "Promise me you'll tell me"
You: "Okay then, I promise"
You finish math class when you remember you said you'd tell the others what was wrong with you
*Makoto comes over to you and hugs you tight*
Makoto: "What's up with you?"
You: "I...I just"
Gou: "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad"
Haru: "Yeah, you'll be fine"
*You burst into tears and everyone stares at you confused as to why you're so upset*
Makoto: "Hey, calm down Ayumi"
*He pulls you closer but you push him away*
You: *Crying* "I...Its over...I'm done for...I'm never coming"
Gou: *Hugging you* "It's okay, that's not so bad"
You: "B...But if my grades drop I...I'll have to move"
Haru: "Move where?"
Makoto: "Even if you do move schools we'll still see each other"
You: "No...if my grades drop I'm moving...back to England"
Makoto, Gou & Haru: "WHAT?"
You: "If my grades in math don't get better I'm moving to a private school in England...and we might not see each other again"
Gou: "N...No can't go"
Haru: "Ayumi"
Makoto: "You can't leave...I...I love you Ayumi, you can't go now"
You: "I'm only leaving if my grades drop so I need to get at least a C+ to stay at Iwatobi"
Makoto: "I'll help you study!"
You: "R...Really?"
Makoto: "Totally"
Haru: "All you need to do is pass the test and you can stay here at Iwatobi"
Gou: "Yeah, then you won't have to leave"
Makoto: "I'll come to yours at 4:30 tonight and we can study together"
You: "Okay then...but can you tell the others, I don't feel like crying again"
Gou: "Me and Haru'll tell them"
You: *Wiping your eyes* "Thanks guys"
You finish school and go home, it gets to 4:25 and you've completely forgotten about Makoto coming over
*You're reading some Eren x Levi fan fiction and you're getting into it, unfortunately you don't hear the door handle turn*
You: *Talking to yourself* "This is such a good fan fiction, they're so kawaii!"
*You feel a familiar hand on your shoulder, you turn around faster than ever before*
Makoto: "Why are you reading Eren x Levi fan fiction?"
You: "Erm...exactly how long have you been standing there?"
Makoto: "A while" *He has a smirk on his face, it's the kind of cheeky smirk you see when someone is planning something*
You: "I was just...doing research"
Makoto: "For what?"
You: "For...maths"
Makoto: *Being sarcastic* "Of course"
You get to studying and then you take the test
*Makoto walks over to see how you did on the test*
Makoto: "Did it go-"
*He paused when he saw your test. You were just sat there, mouth wide open, shaking like mad*
You: "W...W..."
*You break down into tears*
*There are tears streaming down your cheeks now*
Makoto: "A...Ayumi, I don't-"
*He starts crying aswell*
You: "I love you guys...I don't want to leave, you're my bestfriends!"
Gou: "Please don't go!"
Nagisa: "I love you too Ayumi!"
Rei: "You can't leave!"
Haru: "Ayumi! Please!"
*You start laughing*
Nagisa: "What's so funny?"
Gou: "Ayumi, what's going on?"
*You excitedly turn your test around*
You: "I PASSED!"
Rei: "WITH 97 MARKS OUT OF 100?"
Haru: "Looks like you have some catching up to do Rei"
Gou: "Wait...Makoto was in on this too?"
Makoto: "Yep, it was all part of the plan"
*You all end up in a group hug*
Makoto: "I honestly don't know what I'd do without you Yumi-chan"
You: "Daisuki!"
Gou: "Daisuki!"
Haru: "Daisuki!"
Rei & Nagisa: "Daisuki"
Makoto: "Daisuki!"

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