Iwatobi Beach Trip

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You were having trouble thinking of what to do as school had just finished for the summer but you'd agreed to meet up with Makoto
Makoto said you should go to the beach and bring Gou, Rin, Haru, Nagisa and Rei
You all agreed to meet at your house before leaving for the beach
*You hear the doorbell ring and presume that it's Gou and Rin as they're the only people who aren't a already here*
Nagisa: "I'll get it!"
*He runs to the door excitedly and flings it open, the door crashes against the wall because he threw it open so furiously*
Gou &Rin: "Oh hi Nagisa!"
Nagisa: "Come in! Everyone else is already here!"
*He grabs them by the arm and runs back through to your room where everyone is sat talking*
Rei: "-and then he just collapsed!"
You: "Oh my god how can you watch that?"
*They interrupt your conversation as they run through the door*
Gou: "Hi Guys!"
Everyone: "YEAH!"
Makoto: "Has everyone got everything then?"
Haru: "Yeah, I've got my swimming shorts"
*You laugh at Haru's obsession*
Haru: "Why are you laughing?"
You: "No reason"
You all grab your things and take the train
You get off at your the station and walk down onto the beach
Rei: "Why don't we sit here?"
*Rei points to a sunny spot on the beach not far from the sea*
Makoto: "Yeah, sure"
*You all go and put a blanket down, you and Gou unfold some deck chairs to sit on and everyone puts their bags on the blanket*
You: "Erm...where's Haru?"
*Gou points towards the ocean*
Gou: "Where else do you think he'd be?"
Nagisa: "Let's build a sandcastle!"
Rei: "Okay"
Rin: "I'll help!"
You & Makoto: "Me too!"
*You all go and begin building, after about 10 minutes Haru comes to help too. After another hour of building, you're finally finished*
Nagisa: "There"
*He places the last shell on the top and its finished*

Makoto: "Yay, we finally finished!"
*Everyone cheers but in the excitement of it all you loose your balance and you trio and fall...right onto the sandcastle"
You: "AAAAAH!"
*Everyone turns to look at you*
You: "Oops, sorry"
Nagisa: "It's okay, we had fun building it didn't we?"
*You nod and Makoto helps you back up*
Rin: "Why don't we all go swimming in the sea?"
Haru: "Let's go!"
Gou: "Count me in!"
Rei: "Me too!"
*You take your top and shorts off to reveal your bathing suit underneath*
Makoto: "Let's go then!"
*Everyone runs towards the clear, sparkling ocean when Makoto grabs you and picks you up*
You: "Mako-chan what are you-"
*You're about to finish but Makoto begins running towards the sea*
Makoto: "Come on!"
*You all reach the ocean and he throws his killer whale inflatable into the water, the proceeds to put you down and try to jump onto it*
You: "AAAAH!"
*Makoto splashes you with water and you chase him trying to get him back*
Makoto: "You can't catch me!"
You: "Makoto...I..."
*You realised how far out you were, the shore was miles away and you don't like swimming in deep water*
Makoto: "Ayumi?"
*You looked down, all you could see was darkness*
Makoto: "Ayumi?!?"
*Your body froze*
Makoto: "AYUMI?"
*You had flashbacks to when you were younger and you fell off your dads boat, you couldn't swim back then. That was the exact reason you started swimming, you didn't want to go through that again. You remembered the darkness below you, it felt like it was engulfing you*
Makoto: "AYUMI!!!!
*He shouted your name at the top of his lungs but you couldn't move*
*You hear everyone calling your name but you're frozen, you're not breathing, you're completely underwater now...you're drowning*
*You see everyone swimming towards you but you still can't move and...darkness*
You blacked out...just like that...you weren't breathing
Makoto: "AYUMI! TALK TO ME!"
Makoto: "NO, I'LL DO IT"
*Makoto opens your mouth, takes a deep breath and blows into your mouth*
Makoto: "A...Ayumi..."
Nagisa: *Starting to cry* "P...please...talk to us"
*You open your eyes slowly to see your friends faces all staring at you*
Makoto: *Crying* "Ayumi! I thought you were gone"
*Everyone hugs you as you sit in confusion*
You: "W...What's going on?"
Makoto: "You were swimming and you just froze, you must've been under for about 2 minutes before I could grab you"
You: "You saved me"
*You hug your friends and thank them for saving your life*
Nagisa: "Do you want to get ice cream?"
Gou: "I think we deserve it after all that"
You, Haru and Nagisa go to buy the ice cream while Makoto waits on a bench nearby, the others are sat on the deckchairs relaxing
*Nagisa goes to give everyone their ice creams while you and Haru go to get Makoto*
Makoto: "Erm...Hi"
*There's a short blonde girl sat next to him, when you and Haru come over she moves closer to him*
Girl: "Is this your maid or something"
Makoto: "Erm...can you not talk about her in that way?"
Girl: "Oh sorry, I just thought judging by her outfit she might've been your maid"
*The girl gives you a bitchy smile and returns to flirting with Makoto*
Haru: "Excuse me but can you stop being so rude about Ayumi?"
Girl: "And who are you? The butler?"
*Haru glares at her*
Girl: *Grabbing Makoto's arm* "You're so cute treating your servants so kindly"
*That was the last straw, you'd had it with this girl*
*The girl stares at you in disbelief and the three of you go back to your friends*
Makoto: "Thanks Ayumi, you were a little scary though"
You: "It's her fault for being such a bitch"
*You get back to where everyone is sitting and you sit down to eat your ice cream*
Rin: "What happened over there?"
Rei: "Yeah, I heard you shouting"
You explain what happened to everyone
You: "-and then I came back"
Gou: "That was so rude"
Nagisa: "Yeah, she was so mean"
Rin: "You would look hot in a maid costume though"
Haru: "Yeah, imagine that"
You: "Don't imagine it you perverts!"
Makoto: "You would look cute Yumi-chan, maybe I should buy you one"
*Makoto smirks at you*
You: "Since when did you turn all pervy aswell Makoto?"
Makoto: "I'm not pervy!"
You: *Sarcastically* "Pffft...yeah right"
Gou: "Oh Ayumi  I forgot to tell you, your Iwatobi jacket arrived"
*She hands you your jacket and you put it on, it feels surprisingly warm*
You: "Thank you Gou-chan!"
*Everyone puts on their jackets and you all eat your ice creams*
Nagisa: "Finished!"
Rei: "Me too"
*Everyone finished their ice-creams so you decide to go watch the sunset together*
Haru: "Why don't we sit on this wall?"
Rin: "Yeah, sure"
*You all sit down together and watch the blue sky turn orange*
You: "This feels so romantic"
Makoto: "Yeah, it's beautiful...like you"
*You blush when he says that*
You: "You're so sweet"
Makoto: "So are you"
*You sit on his lap and he wraps his arms around you as you cuddle into his chest*
You: "I don't know what I'd do without you, I'm so glad I met you"
Makoto: "Me too, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me"
The sun sets and you all watch the sky turns dark
Nagisa: "I'm tired"
Gou: "Me too"
Haru: "Let's go home"
Rei: "Haru, Nagisa, Rin, Gou, do you want to sleep over at mine?"
Rin: "We might aswell seeing as Rei lives not too far from here"
Makoto: "Ayumi, you can stay over at mine if you like, my parents won't mind"
You: "Okay then"
*You begin walking to Rei's seeing as it's only 10 minutes away from Makoto's*
Rei: "Bye then"
Nagisa: "See you later!"
Gou: "Bye guys have fun!"
Rin: "But don't have too much fun if you know what I mean"
*He winks at you both*
You: "I don't plan on doing that"
*Rin laughs*
Haru: "Later"
*He waves and you both wave back*
You: "Makoto, I'm getting really sleepy"
*You can feel yourself falling asleep with every step you take*
Makoto: "Do you want me to carry you?"
You: "Are you sure? I might be too heavy"
Makoto: "Are you kidding me? Of course you're not, you're tiny"
You: "Well I wouldn't say I was-"
*You're interrupted when he scoops you up and begins to walk*
Makoto: "Is this better?"
You: "Much better"
*After another 10 minutes of walking you reach Makoto's house*
Makoto: "You can just go upstairs and get into my bed if you like"
You: "Alright then"
*You sleepily walk upstairs, put on your pyjamas and climb into bed. Shortly after Makoto joins you*
You: *Whispering* "Thanks for saving me today"
Makoto: "It was my fault you almost died"
You: "I was the one that-"
*Makoto cuts you off mid-sentence*
Makoto: "I love you"
You: "I love you too"
Continued in chapter 6
Hope you enjoyed!

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