Iwatobi fight

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You just finished the dance and you were standing offstage screaming with Yuna when you feel a tap on your shoulder
*You turn around to see a familiar face smirking at you*
You: "LEVI?!?!"
Levi: "Hi brat"
You: "What are you doing here?!?!"
Levi: "I moved here last week and when I found out you were performing I though I'd pay you a visit"
Yuna: "Erm...I hate to interrupt but who's this?"
You: "Oh this is Levi, I've known him since I was 3. We were best friends when I lived in England"
Levi: "Erm...well anyway...I bought you this"
*He hands you a box of chocolates*
You: "You're so sweet Levi! Thanks!"
Levi: "Yeah, yeah" *You hug him tightly when you notice the Iwatobi guys and Gou stood in the doorway*
Rin: "I have to say, that was awesome Ayumi"
You: *Laughing and blushing* "Thanks"
*You notice Makoto staring at Levi*
You: "Makoto? Are you okay?"
*He looks at you and gives a forced smile*
Makoto: "Yeah" *He answers with a one word answer which he never usually does, he seems angry but you shake it off and think he must just be tired*
You: "Anyway, I should really get going"
~~~Time skip to the next day~~~
*You'd agreed to meet everyone at a cafe near Rei's house, everyone was meeting at Haru's but you were going straight there seeing as Haru's house is further away than the cafe. They said you could bring Levi along so he came to yours to meet you*
~~~At Haru's house~~~
Gou: "Makoto, what's wrong?"
Makoto: "Nothing"
*He looks down and angrily clenches his fists*
Rei: "Makoto, we know something's wrong"
Nagisa: "Mhmm"
*Everyone agrees*
Haru: "Don't lie"
Rin: "Levi? Who's that?"
Nagisa: "You know the guy Ayumi was with last night after the show"
Rin: "Oh yeah, weren't they childhood friends or something?"
Gou: "What's wrong with Levi?"
Haru: "Jealous"
Makoto: "What?"
Haru: "You're jealous of him aren't you?"
Makoto: "I-I don't know"
Gou: "Ayumi isn't like that, she wouldn't just go around flirting with other guys"
Makoto: "I'm not so sure anymore"
*Haru glares at Makoto and after a minute Rei finally breaks the silence*
Rei: "Let's get going then shall we?"
*Everyone agrees and they get up ready to go*
~~~At your house~~~
*You open the door to let Levi in*
You: "Hey!"
Levi: "What's up"
You: "It's been so long oh my god"
Levi: "Yeah, I've missed you"
You: "Same"
*You sit down and have a chat about old times back in England, laughing at old inside jokes before you finally decide to leave for the cafe*
~~~On the train to the cafe with Levi~~~
Levi: "So you think he's jealous?"
You: "Yeah, he's never usually like this"
Levi: "But we don't like each other in that way so I don't understand why he's being like that"
You: "I know, I guess he's just being over protective"
~~~At the cafe~~~
You: "Hi guys!"
*Everyone greets you and waves except for Makoto*
You: "Hey Makoto!" *You smile enthusiastically*
Makoto: "Hi" *He says bluntly*
*You all sit down and begin talking but you notice Makoto isn't joining in with the conversation*
You: "Makoto?"
Makoto: "What?" *He's speaking with a blunt tone in his voice*
You: "Oh nothing" *You look down with a sad expression painted on your face*
*Makoto begins flirting with a girl sat behind him, he said he used to know her*
You: "I'd better get going now, I have something I need to do"
*You didn't really have anything to do, you were just lying. All you wanted was to leave and get out of the situation*
Rin: "But you only just got here!"
Nagisa: "Yeah, you've only been here half an hour"
You: "Sorry guys I've really got to get going"
*You run out of the cafe holding back the tears from what you just witnessed*
Haru: *Mumbling* "You idiot"
it was the next day and you were once again meeting the Iwatobi guys, you tried to brush off what happened yesterday but it was hard. You were meeting them at the same cafe as yesterday but this time Levi wasn't with you
~~~Time skip to at the cafe~~~
*You walk in to see everyone sat at a table and you go to sit down with them*
You: "Hi g-"
*You pause when you see Makoto with the girl he was flirting with yesterday*
Makoto: "Oh Ayumi, this is Nami I hope you don't mind if she joins us"
*You don't answer and as you look up you see Haru mouth the word sorry to you*
You: "I-It's okay" *You answer quietly looking down again*
*Everyone starts talking but nobody is as happy as they were before, hardly anyone is even smiling*
Gou: "Are you okay Ayumi"
You: "Mhmm" *You nod but you want to tell everyone how you really feel*
*You notice Makoto flirting with Nami again and you feel a lump in your throat*
Nagisa: "Are you sure you're okay Ayumi?" *He asks with a concerned look on his face*
You: "Y-Yeah" *You whisper quietly hiding your shaky voice*
*Then something happens which crosses the line. Nami leans in and kisses Makoto but Makoto doesn't bother pushing her off*
*Everyone sits there silent out of shock, you feel tears streaming down your face*
*You sprint out of the cafe all the way to your house and Gou follows*
Rin: "No" *He says giving Makoto a disappointed look before leaving the cafe*
*Haru gets up almost knocking the table over and storms out of the cafe leaving Makoto speechless*
Nagisa: "Why Makoto?" *He starts crying*
Rei: "She really loved you Makoto...you blew it"
*They both leave the cafe leaving Makoto to sit in silence alone seeing as Nami left when things kicked off*

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