Iwatobi Pregnancy

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You'd finished the shoot and gone back to Makoto's house
It was getting late so both you decide to go to bed
*Makoto walks into the room with a toothbrush in his mouth*
Makoto: "Ayumi can I-"
*He stops when he sees you getting changed on the other side of the room*
Makoto: "Damn...I mean-"
*You turn around to see him stood there staring at you*
You: "It's okay I mean-"
Makoto: "Erm...I'm sorry for walking in on you like that like I mean..."
You: *You give a cute smile* "It's fine"
Makoto: "Erm are you gonna finish getting ready or-"
You: "Oh yeah, I forgot"
*You finish changing into your pyjamas, you're just wearing a long top because you couldn't find anything else to wear*
You: "Okay, you can come in now"
*Makoto walks in wearing nothing but his boxers, you stare at his perfectly toned muscles and blush*
You: "Makoto you look-"
Makoto: "Amazing...I mean YOU look amazing not me"
You: "Well you look amazing aswell"
Makoto: "We should probably stop staring at each other and go to bed"
You: "Yeah that's probably a good idea seeing as we have school tomorrow"
*You both crawl into bed and you snuggle into Makoto's chest*
You: "You feel so warm"
Makoto: "So do you"
You: "Goodnight"
Makoto: "Love you"
You: "Love you too"
*You both fall asleep together after 10 minutes of snuggling*
You both wake up and get ready before hopping on the bus to go to school
*The bell goes for lunch and you go to meet everyone on the roof, on the way you see Makoto and Haru walking towards the stairs*
You: "Mako-chan"
*You run over and jump on his back*
Makoto: "Yumi-chan"
*You jump off his back and he turns around and picks you up to face him*
You: "I'm starving!"
Makoto: "Me too"
You: "Let's go have lunch then"
*You kiss him on the lips and he gently puts you down*
You: "Hey Haru, you okay?"
Haru: "I'm doing fine"
*You grab Makoto's hand and the 3 of you walk to the roof where you meet Gou, Rei and Nagisa ready for lunch*
Rei: "Hi guys"
Nagisa: "Yumi-chan, Mako-chan, Haru-chan!"
Gou: "Oh hey guys"
You: "Hi everyone"
*You sit down and begin eating your lunch when you suddenly remember something*
You: "Erm...Makoto I need to tell you something"
*You grab his hands and hold them tightly*
Makoto: "What is it?"
You: "I...I'm pregnant"
*Everyone stares at you in shock*
Gou: "You're 17 Ayumi!"
You: "I know but it wasn't our fault!"
Haru: "What do you mean OUR fault?"
You: "Me and Makoto, he's the dad of course"
Makoto: "When did this even happen?"
You: "You know when Haru came round to give you your bag back and he walked in..."
Haru: *Covering his bright red face with his hands* "That wasn't my fault okay!"
Makoto: "Well maybe you should've knocked first!"
You: "I guess something went wrong..."
Makoto: "What are your parents going to say about this?"
You: "I already told them"
*Makoto begins pacing around worriedly*
Makoto: "Oh god, this can't be happening. It's all my fault, I should've been more careful and now I have to care for a baby. But Ayumi's only 17 and-"
You: "Makoto"
*He carries on pacing around*
You: "Makoto!"
*He's still walking around looking worried*
You: "MAKOTO!"
Makoto: "W-What?"
You: "I-It was a joke"
*Everyone sighs in relief*
You: "Why are you all so happy about it?" *You joke*
Gou: "I'm just relieved"
Rei: "Yeah, you're only 17" *He laughs*
Nagisa: "We were worried"
*Haru nods and gives an agreeing mmhm*
You: "Sorry guys"
Makoto: "THANK GOD! I was really worried" *He squeezes you tight*
You: "Sorry I scared you" *You giggle*
Makoto: "Even so, you'd be an amazing mother"
You: *Blushing* "And you'd be an amazing father"
*You all laugh and continue eating your lunch*
You go back to science class with Makoto, Gou and Nagisa
*You're sat 2 seats behind Makoto, Gou is near the front and Nagisa is sat behind you*
Teacher: "So you then add the hydrochloric acid and-"
*The teacher catches you staring at Makoto*
Teacher: "Ayumi! Pay attention!"
You: "W-What?"
Teacher: "Were you even listening?"
You: "Erm..."
Teacher: "You need to start concentrating more! If you do even 1 more thing I'm sending you out!"
You: "Sorry Miss"
*20 minutes later*
Teacher: "Ayumi! What's the scientific term for sugar?"
*You were too busy staring at Makoto again to hear what she was saying so you decided to take a guess on what she said*
You: "Erm...h20?"
*The whole class begins to laugh*
Teacher: "Glucose! It was glucose!"
You: "Oh yeah, that's what I meant"
Teacher: "That's it! I'm sending you outside!"
You: "What did I-"
Teacher: "Ayumi! Get out!"
*You storm out of the classroom and slam the door*
Nagisa: "But Miss, she did nothing wrong!"
*Nagisa leaves the classroom*
Teacher: "Nagisa! You get out aswell!"
Makoto: "What was Ayumi doing in the first place?"
Gou: "Staring at you!" *She laughs*
Teacher: "Gou! Leave the classroom right now!"
*Gou shuffles outside*
Makoto: "You can't just send them out like that!"
Teacher: "Want to try me?"
Makoto: "They just asked a question!"
Teacher: "Fine then. Makoto, you get out aswell"
*Makoto walks out the classroom glaring at the teacher before he slams the door*
You: "Why are all you guys out here?"
Nagisa: "I honestly don't know"
Makoto: "I can't believe she sent you out for staring at me!"
Gou: "It's ridiculous!"
You: "I was only staring because you're really hot"
Makoto: "Well so are you"
*You look at each other and he pulls you in*
You: "Makoto, I love you"
*He begins to kiss you and you kiss him back, closing your eyes. The kiss becomes more heated and he strokes your hair gently*
Makoto: "Love you-"
*He continues to kiss you*
Makoto: "-too"
*You don't hear the door open*
Teacher: "MAKOTO! AYUMI!"
*You both turn around in shock to see the teacher standing, staring at you*
You: "I...we...Erm-"
Makoto: "We were just...Erm-"
Teacher: "Detention, for all of you! Tonight!"
You: "Even Gou and Nagisa?"
Teacher: "YES! Now get back inside!"
*You all shuffle back to your seats and slump down*
You finish school and detention for the day and head back to Makoto's house
You: "I hate that teacher so much"
*You lie on Makoto's sofa*
Makoto: "Me too"
*He comes over and lies beside you*
You: "My cousin's getting married in 2 weeks and she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, she also said I could bring you along if you'd like"
Makoto: "Okay, sounds like fun"
You: "We can go buy our outfits on Thursday after school"
Makoto: "Sure"
*Makoto cuddles you in and you both fall asleep together on the sofa*

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