Danny's new life

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I sat down in the almost bare room that M'egan had lead me to. It was bigger than my-... I saw my eyes flash in the mirror as I tried not to cry. I looked up at my reflection realizing that it wasn't the same anymore, my hair was white, but also pale blue, my eyes were bright, vibrant green, but a second ago they had flashed completely black, my once tan skin had turned an unhealthy pale and in my mouth, that was hanging open dumb-founded at my new look, were a pair of small fangs. My uniform had turned into a black hoodie lined with ecto-plasmic green, goth-y skinny jeans and a pair of black leather combat boots. "Why not?" I thought, getting a little hysterical, "It's just fuckin perfect. Nobody will recognize me. Whatever." 

Over my new bed there was small green and black dream catcher. "I wonder who put that there?" There is a small tag hanging from it, it reads: "Welcome to the mountain! -M'egan" In pretty loopy handwriting. And then "M'egan wanted help with the colors. I picked them so you don't forget. -Rob" In his angular and striking handwriting. I pulled the tag off and tucked it under the mattress so no one would know. On the desk next to the bed was a laptop computer with a post-it that said, "Read up on our villains tonight. -Batman" I pushed it to the side and then turned my attention to the leather-bound, pad locked journal next to it. I gently used the key on the cover to open it up and saw the note written in it's cover, "That haunted look you have. I've only seen it in my own reflection before. I don't quite know what happened to you, but I do know that sometimes it's easier to write than it is to talk. -Artemis (P.S. Don't tell anyone and I won't.)" 

I went intangible an placed the key gently behind the wall next to the desk. "Looks like I've got a lot of reading tonight, but first I'm gonna grab a snack." I decided, knowing that when I'm busy I don't have time for tears. I walked through my door, bumping into Artemis who was walking by. "Um, thanks Artemis" I said scratching the back of my head innocently. "Sure thing, but remember. It will only last so long, eventually they'll figure it out." She warned. I walked downstairs to see Robin, Superboy, M'egan and Aqualad watching "The Breakfast Club" in the den. I passed by and only Robin noticed. 

Walking into the kitchen I saw Kid Flash raiding the pantry. I grabbed a package of Oreos through him and he shuddered. "What the hell man!?!" He shouted. "I didn't wanna bug you." I answered softly. "It's fine. You didn't know. It's just my nemesis likes to rip out people's hearts like that. I thought it was him..." his eyes darkened as he muttered his explanation. 

I couldn't think of anything to say so I just hugged him and he didn't protest. A couple "bro pats" on the back and it was over. I turned to leave, but he interrupted me. "Hey Danny, you wanna go play that new racing game with me?" I smiled, half-hearing Tucker's voice behind his. "Sure, I'd love to." Looks like Batman's homework is going to have to wait.

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