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Tonight, after everyone was done goofing off, someone came knocking at my door. I stick my head through the door to find our leader, Aqualad.

"Ugh, It appears we will have to give you the same speech we gave Miss Martian about power abuse... But that's not why I'm here. May I come in?" He spoke as eloquently as ever.

"Uh... sure." I say slowly before popping back into my room, opening the door for him and pulling out a chair for him.

He wants to offer the only seat to me, but I simply sit on air. He looks vaguely uncomfortable.

"Um..." He hums looking for the right words.

"Is this too distracting?" I ask for him so he doesn't think himself rude.


I nod and float down to sit on the edge of the bed facing him.

"You uh... You did very well today leading the team. While it is I who is supposed to be leading, I'd like it if you were my second in command."

"Wha- no... I couldn't." I immediately say no. I've only been on this team for a few days. And I was kind of a dick in Bialya because of my.... revelation.

"That is why you must." he places his hand on my shoulder. "You had a hard day today and we all know it, but you were able to make orders and prioritize despite it. Everyone got out alive. You were a good leader while I was one of M'egan's tv damsels in distress..." He ends with a disappointed tone in his voice.

"Kaldur. One day we'll be stuck somewhere and I'll have the disadvantage and you'll get to bail me out. You just weren't lucky today, that's why you have a team." I affirm. "If you still want me as your right hand man, I'll be there, but I still think you should ask Batman and Robin first."

His expression gets lighter and he nods thankfully. "I'll do that. Just try not to look so embarrassed when I do call you out."

"Shit! Did everyone see that!!!?"

"Yeah... Heh. Good night, Daniel." and with that he heads off; leaving me to my thoughts.

Oh crud. Everyone's going to bed... What am I supposed to do now? 

I could go back to memorizing every supervillian alias and power in the league's system.... but..... On the other hand I could try and figure out if ghosts can sleep.

Damn it! I should have said 'rest in peace'. Heh. There is a whole new world of killer puns at my disposal. You'd have to be lifeless to not laugh at that one! I giggle along to my own thoughts and jump up onto the bed in the center of the room, a cheery weightless feeling tugs at my chest and my eyes widen as gravity slows down for me... A knee-jerk reaction of "I'm not supposed to be doing this here" and I am bouncing lightly on the bed. 

And on that harsh note I lay down and try to sleep, sure I've gone five days without it already, but I'm starting to get that tired, dreary feeling that I've only felt before when my ghost sense wakes me up at four in the morning for a harmless ectopus. It hazes over everything and every instinct screams 'Go the hell to sleep' in my face, but to say I've been busy would be an understatement.

It isn't until the clock in the corner of my room reads, 12:01, that I start to realize that this just isn't working. Whatever, at the very least I can sit still, rest my eyes and try to get some quiet time. It's not all that dissimilar to that meditation thing that Sa- um... a friend of mine was into for a while. The hours blur together as I focus on nothing. And eventually, while I'm not paying attention, I finally fall asleep.

The very next morning I awaken to an announcement about team training down at the sparring mats. I've slept in way too late. (bad habits die hard. Heh...) Luckily for me I still haven't figured out this whole ghostly costume change thing, so I'm already dressed and able to phase through the building, and get to the training room 'as the crow flies'. M'egan, Wally, Robin and Kaldur slide into a defensive stances easily and I'm almost offended for a second, but then I realize I am currently floating at eye level and sticking half way out of a wall. Whoops?

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