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I'm working on the much awaited next chapter.

However, up until the last chapter I had been writing directly off the exact scenes and exact episodes from the show.

Netflix has since removed all of Young Justice season one in it's attempts to slowly purge all of it's DC content due to their new contract with Marvel to make Netflix Original Series' Daredevil and Jessica Jones, which are great but come on guys that's like having to choose between Star Wars and Star Trek. They're both great in their own ways and can't be compared like that.

Any who, to get back to the point. This means that I'll be working harder to maintain the same tone as the rest of the story and chapters will take longer to come out, not to mention that this is not the only story I am working on that is popular.

To be perfectly frank, if you'd like for this story to get priority over my others then like and comment. I'll still get around to writing this if you don't, but dudes. I'm an academic overachiever with boatloads of extra curricular activities. Free time is limited for me and sometimes drawing and Netflix seem more inviting than the disparity that the Wattpad Amazon app is. (SO MANY MOTHAFUCKIN GLITCHES!!!!!)

Yeah so... until the next chapter, this is your friendly neighborhood writer here, signing off!

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