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The psychic paws through our heads and it leaves me with a disgusted feeling. Guess Freakshow left a bad taste in my brain. She shows us the teams past, their first mission at Cadmus, the arrival of Superboy and many recon missions. Oh my goodness, we forgot about Aqualad. Then it switches to my POV and my memory from earlier plays. One second I'm fighting Skulker, the next we are all dead. There's no blood but the smell of burnt flesh has half the team choking back vomit. Turning tail I ran to the only person I could think of, Robin. They had me join the team.

Soon the flashbacks cease and I'm back in the desert, but tears are running down my cheeks. Quickly wiping them off I stand up straighter and wave off their looks of pity. "Alright, we have a Atlantian somewhere in the desert and we have to find him fast. Any leads Robin?" I assert myself in order to avoid it. "He wandered in that direction." Robin half-heartedly waves his hand in a general direction. "But what about Superboy!!" Miss Martian questions in a light, concerned voice. "He's been kidnapped!" I give her the biggest "eat shit" look and growl, "He's indestructible. Kaldur is dying..." She falters backwards and nods acceptance. "Alright, M'egan go get the bio ship stealthily. We'll find Kaldur, I may be a walking ice pack, but he'll probably need medical attention." I plan before stalking off in the direction Robin pointed out earlier.

I quickly turn invisible and intangible and take to the sky. In the distance there is a dark figure collapsed on the slope of a sand dune that conveniently hides him from the base. Lowering myself back down to a few inches off the ground I relay the info to the remaining team members. We race towards Kaldur's position and when we get there he's not looking so hot. I immediately chill the air around us and everyone lets out a sigh of relief. I shoulder most of the Atlantian's weight as we stagger back to out starting point and M'egan. Kaldur shifts slightly and murmurs something in Atlantian that I don't understand. "Come on Kaldur. English please." I grumble back. He curses in a soft voice and attempts to squirm out of my grasp. Robin rushes forward, "Aqua-lad. It's me, Robin. We are on a mission in the desert and you got lost and dehydrated. We are getting you to somewhere safe." He relaxes slightly and nods.

A few minutes later M'egan returns with the bio-ship and Robin helps me set up a bed and an IV drip for Kaldur. He's still delirious, but at least he's safe-ish. What's left on the list?

Rescue Kaldur... ✔
Rescue Superboy... ❌
Beat up the psychic... ❌
Escape... ❌
Have a mental breakdown... ❌

Let's safe that last one until I get back to my room at Mount Justice.

"So next order of business. How do we rescue Conner?" Miss Martian chirps cheerfully. "Stealthily." I quip with a small fake grin flashing. Everyone looks at me as if I'm supposed to have a better plan than that so quickly whip one up.

"Robin, Wally, stay here and keep an eye on Aqualad. When he wakes up he's bound to be confused. Miss Martian, Artemis and I will make the rescue party. If we aren't back in an hour go home and get your mentors." Robin makes to challenge that last bit, but I cut him off. "That way they'll have intel and not get caught like we were." I finish and Robin nods convinced.

Miss Martian and I take to the skies. I'm both intangible and invisible, but that won't hide the cold signature radiating from me. Not to mention Artemis is riding on my back, her fingernails digging into my shoulders. She's lucky I'm more focused than I used to be. If I wasn't paying as much attention then I might drop her intangiblity and she'd fall right through me. I shudder slightly from thinking about my past and she digs her nails in further. Usually I'd mutter something along the lines of "I'm not going to drop you." or "What? Scared of heights?", but the psychic link was down. Not an awful idea considering it was what got us caught the first time around.

Storming the outpost was simple, but the second that M'egan attempted to contact Conner through the link Psimon caught her. They appear to be in a mind battle (not the most fun thing, Nocturne was the worst), but other guards are staying out of it. Looks like it will be Psimon's pride that does him in. I set Artemis down silently in the rafters, motioning for her to shoot at three of the guards while I take out the other three from behind. We move in perfect sync and drop the guards before they even realize we're here. Thinking quickly I sweep the feet out from underneath Psimon and his skull makes an unpleasant sound as it slams into the dirt floor. Being the nice hero that I am I set him up with a nice ice pack before rushing over to tend to Miss Martian.

"You okay M'egan?" I nervously question. Her eyes flicker out of her daze and she quickly answers, "Huh? Oh! Yes, I'm fine. How's Superboy?!?" I gesture vaguely towards the restraint system and she rushes over and, well I assume she restored his memory because he didn't try to kill us outright.

The trek back to the bioship was claustrophobic and boring. Since Miss Martian can't carry Conner we all had to walk. And since I'm the living popsi-

I'm cold. We're in the desert. Do the math.

Anyway it sucked, but now we are on to the fourth part of the list, escape. We loaded up on to the bio-ship to find Aqualad and Robin having a nice conversation about philosophy while Kid Flash sat quietly in the corner pouting. I'm certain there's a great story behind that but I am not in the mood. Miss M gives Kaldur his memories back and then we book it out of there. I hover in the back silently until Robin comes over and rummages through the mini-fridge next to me. Sliding the plethora of water bottles to the side he picks out a RC cola and holds another one out to me. And I wave it away. "I'm a ghost... I don't need it." I mutter dejectedly. He's still persistent though and he shoves it into my hands replying pointedly with, "Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it." He smiles widely, not his scary fake one, but a real one before he snags another Cola and a water. Tossing them to Wally and Kaldur respectively. Taking a sip out of his drink he grins, "I'm not supposed to have these either." I quirk up an eyebrow. "Batman's always on a health kick. On the records the only sweets I get are Agent A's homemade cookies." I laugh for the first time in a while. "I swear on my grave I won't tell." I remark as straight-facedly as I can (just barely serious) before erupting into giggles. He chuckles back, tossing his finished can into the trash can with precision aim. I fist bump him and smile. Looks like I've made a friend.

We arrive back by the time that I'm three-quarters the way through with the soda and we are all called down to debrief immediately. I quickly chug the last of my drink and stuff the empty can in my jacket pocket so we don't get busted. Then again, it's Batman. Slouching at attention I listen in while Kaldur and Robin explain the details of the mission. Then Robin starts mentioning about how I took up leadership and prioritized well and I start blushing slightly. How am I even doing that? It's embarrassing AND scientifically impossible, then again so are about half the things I do. Batman nods along to Robin's explanations, but he doesn't miss how embarrassed I am. Finally we are permitted to go up to our rooms and I sit the empty can on the desk as reminder.

Things are looking up.


Hey readers! It's your friendly neighborhood writer here and holy shit I've been gone for three months! Sorry for the impromptu hiatus, but here's the long awaited update! Enjoy mis amigos.

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