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I wake to a blinding headache and a face full of sand. "Where the hell am I? What happened to Amity Park?" I mutter as I dust the sand out of my face. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice whine, "It's September? What happened to March?" Rounding the corner I go to see who it is but he pulls something metallic and dangerous looking from his belt. "Robin?" I ask tentatively. "Phantom. What's up with the costume change?" he jokes easily. I look down. "Why do I look like an emo punk?" I think out loud and Robin giggles. "I take it you've got no idea what we are doing here?" he gets serious quickly. "No clue." I affirm. "Better radio Batman... Or not." he decides. "Why not?" I urge. We are lost in the desert and Mom will chew me out if I brake curfew again. "I remember Batman ordering radio silence but that's it..." he explains before deftly flipping down off the rock jut I'm standing on. I float down behind him and run into him when he stops short. "What was that for?" I complain. He ignores me, "What's this?" he muses while brandishing a ripped piece of fabric with the Superman symbol on it. I have no answer and he just stuffs it in his pocket. "So what are we going to do?" I grab his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. "Dude. Why are you so cold? We are in a frickin desert." he deadpannedly asks "I'm a ghost with ice powers. Kinda speaks for itself. Speaking of..." I trail off as I make a few ice cubes and hand them to Robin. "It's pretty hot out here and I don't think we've had water in a while." I explain. Robin takes them gratefully. We continue to walk in silence until I ask again, "What's your plan again?" "Oh, Um... I left a gps marker up ahead and I want to find out what it is."

We clear a ridge and I quip, "Heh, guess that's why." there is a large piece of tech that looks like a remote base for an operation inside a small crater in the sand. As soon as we reach the center armed soldiers leap out of the sand with guns, shouting in a foreign language and then they attack. Robin throws a smoke bomb directly at his feet and I go intangible to avoid the smog that leaves everyone else in a coughing fit. Hearing the sound of fists thudding against Kevlar I leap into fight mode, even if my main fare is of the ghostly variety I do owe Rob for his help with the Gentlemen Ghost case. Robin mostly holds his own and I hit the disarmed ones with an ecto-blast. All's well until they decide to start firing on us. Then a blur of bright red and black flies in at an unbelievable speed and suddenly most of the soldiers are unarmed. I was about to throw up an ecto-shield, but this gave me the chance to blast them all. I wasn't watching my back though and two men snuck up on me. Just as I went intangible a mysterious force flung them into the distance. Before I even had time to process an arrow flew past my head to nail a guy Robin had missed.

The fight now finished Robin finally calmed down and shouted excitedly, "KF! Man it's good to see a familiar face!" "Hey Rob! Memory loss?" he said conversationally. "Six months! Let's hogtie these creeps and compare notes." I guess that they know each other, but the blond archer and floating green chic behind "KF" are totally weird. The electric green color on the archers outfit reminds me of Skulker's mohawk and I'm suddenly thrown into a memory. I'm standing in a pile charred meat with the small of burnt flash on my nose. I'm crying my eyes out and I've never felt more miserable and alone in my entire life. My parents round the corner and scream at the horror before them, dropping their weapons. Skulker cackles before brutally murdering them in front of my eyes. Then I open my eyes and I'm back in the sand. I stumble slightly and Robin notices but says nothing. That's fine, I don't have time to freak about this. Whatever snagged months from our heads could probably plant some false ones or I'm just remembering one of Clockwork's bad ends. The important thing is getting out of here.

I grab two baddies and toss them towards the pile KF is making and rejoin the group. Robin and the alien chic are already talking. "So we're a team?" "The five of us and Superboy." she stresses "Then this must be his!" Robin offers her the S symbol we saw earlier. "Yes! Did you see him?" she sounds too excited, is that her "superboy-friend"? I giggle at my own pun, but they don't see. "Yeah, I think we did!" the archer says helpfully. "Feral boy? Some teammate. He attacked us!" KF teases. The archer defends, "He doesn't know who we are. I don't know who we are!" "I remember Batman ordering radio silence. Our team must work for him!" Robin says attempting to help, but it only riles KF's either ego or effort to impress the archer girl, "Now how do you know we don't work for my mentor?" he says tapping his chest for emphasis. He pressed a button on his costume though and it turned from stealthy black to bright yellow. Everyone else trys it, but they just look ridiculous and the archer tells KF off. Wow she's bossy. "We need our memories back!" The archer whines.

Suddenly we are thrown into a weird world that kinda looks like the ghost zone except purple and filled with broken monitors that show what I assume are memories of us. There's one of me with the team having some cookies! The alien chic arrives in a flash of white light, but she's wearing a hood and has red eyes. "I have brought you into my mind to show you what I've remembered so far, but I need your help together our broken memories should form a whole if you open your minds to mine." "You want to paw though our private thoughts?" the archer says disgusted. "I have no wish to intrude, but" she gets cut off by Robin, "You need to hack our minds to find out what happened to us. Got it. Go!" He encorages her. KF agrees, "My brains all yours. Try not to let it's brillance overwhelm you." Player. I snort. "Or underwhelm you." Robin jokes. "Hey why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?" KF grabs the archer's hand and she agrees with some conditions. I nod my acceptance, but I feel odd. Like I should be hiding something. Whatever. I just want this to be over so that I can go home, but this whole team thing is weird. Did I manage to plug the ghost zone?


Hey readers! It's the friendly neighborhood writer here! I can't believe how much attention this fic has gotten. Anyway, expect the second half of the episode rewrite to be twice as heart-wrenching as the first! And as always I will see You in the next chapter! Buh-bye!

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