Chapter 21

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"Hello, lover." Damon said, remained leaning against the door.

"Damon, what are you doing here?" I asked, covering my babies.

"This is a nice setup you have here. I mean I shouldn't be surprised you went running off into Elijah's waiting arms." He commented, staring down at the babies.

"Damon, Elijah and I aren't together. Plus, what happened between Elijah and I took place after we broke up." I explained.

"You are just going to end up hurt, Elena." Damon said, now moving from the door.

"I didn't come here, because of myself. Obviously." I said, inching away from him and to the door.

He turned towards the shelf, observing the objects. "You fear me, Elena. How have the tables turned?" He muttered.

"I don't fear you, Damon. I fear your impulsiveness." I said, stopping in my tracks when he turned.

"Every decision I have made was to ensure your safety, Elena. The fact that you think I would hurt you stings." He said, with tears in his eyes.

"I never had a chance, did I?" He asked, looking at me.

"Damon, it wasn't that. I loved you, Damon. We had passion no one could even imagine, but that passion couldn't save us from the destruction that our relationship would have lead us to. I didn't want to remember us like that!" I said, tears falling from my own eyes.

"I wanted better for you, Damon. You needed someone you could call your own, Damon." I said.

He simply nodded his head. "Can you do me a favor, Elena?" He asked, moving towards me. He looked so defeated, tired.

He gently cupped my face between his hands. "Sure, Damon." Keeping my eyes on his own.

"I want you to bury my body in the Family Crypt." He said, leaning his head against mine.

"What? Damon, what-"

"I'm so tired, Elena. I've reached my end. I want you to know that I never regret a thing when it came to you." He said, engulfing me in a hug.

"Damon, you can't kill yourself! Please, don't do this!" I said, holding onto him. I was jolted out of my tears when I felt something sharp pinched into my neck. I yanked away, putting my hand to my neck. I looked down at Damon, seeing a syringe.

"Damon, what did you do?" I whispered, meeting his eyes.

"Ensuring my death." He said, then he walked out the door.

"DAMON, WHAT DID YOU DO?" I yelled. My fangs started poke at my gums. I stumbled out the room, vision sharper than before to the point it hurt. I grasped at the wall, trying hold myself up.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" A man came out of nowhere. He made my fangs snap out. I felt my eyes darken. He mimic my stance, his eyes reflecting mine. I didn't focus on that, but the artery on his neck. In a matter of seconds, I was on him, sinking my fangs into his neck.

I wanted to stop, but I was soo hungry! I fed and fed until his head came off. When there was no blood and his body darken, I scrambled backwards.

What did I do? Oh my God! I couldn't control the hunger. Someone walked out, gasping. My eyes snapped up and I felt that burning hunger. It was a vampire. Before I could warn her off, I was attached to her neck.


After diffusing the situation between Diego and the werewolf and being scolded by Hayley, I went off to find Klaus.

He was standing off to the sidelines, watching Caroline dance with Kol and Bonnie. I walked over to him.

"How is leadership?" He asked, holding his smirk at bay. He took a sip of his champagne, eyes trained ahead.

"Your relax behavior is not going get you anywhere, Klaus." I said, taking a champagne of a nearby tray.

"Well brother, that's what happen when you try steal what isn't yours." He sniped back.

"Klaus, you almost single-handedly caused destruction of all New Orleans. Violence isn't something we should always resort to." I said.

The music stopped, people looked around until their eyes stared at familiar man, clapping as he walked in.

Klaus and I fell into step, walking towards Damon. "Bloody hell! Just what we need!" Klaus mumbled.

We stopped a few feet away from him. "Mr. Salvatore, what brings you to New Orleans?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"No particular reason. Just catching up with old flames." He said, smirking.

I scanned the room, no Elena in sight. No more playing ring around the rosey. "Where is Elena, Damon?" I asked.

"Around." He said, looking around the room. I sped over and grabbed his neck.

"I'm no longer in the playing mood, Damon. It will not hesitate for a second to rip your head from your shoulders." I said calmly.

The doors swung opened and a vampire ran through, holding her neck. "Help! She's gone -" The girl was tackled to the ground by a familiar figure. The girl neck was ripped opened by Elena's teeth. She gripped the closer, protecting her prey. My grip on Damon loosen, so he took his chance. He pushed me away, speeding away.

"Damn!" I said, but we back to Elena. The girl's head rolled from her body, turning grey. That's when hysteria broke out and everyone ran to door, clearing out. The room was left to my family, Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena.

Kol and Klaus push Caroline and Bonnie into another room and came back out. I kept my eyes on Elena, who seems to be snapping out deliriousness.

"Elena, tell what's wrong." I asked, lowering to the ground, Kol and Klaus flanking me.

"I can't stop! I'm so hungry, Elijah. I killed!" She cried, holding her head.

"It's okay, Elena. Look at me." I said, calmly. Her tears stained face looked at me. "Everything will be alright. Trust me." Her eyes started to glaze over, then drooped. Not too long, her eyes closed.

"Elena?" I said, panicking. She didn't respond. I ran over to her, placing her head on my lap.

I pushed her hair out of her face. "Elena, wake up." I said, tears pricking my eyes. I don't care who can see.

"Elijah, she's fine. I placed a sleeping spell on her. We need to get her to her room, before she wakes. I don't know how long since magic is potent within her. Then, I will spell the room to keep her in." Bonnie said, coming over to me.

I nodded, taking a breath. I picked her up, cradling her to my chest. I sped her to her room, laying her on the bed. I went to her bathroom, grabbing a wet rag. I went back to her side, wiping her face of blood.

"It will be okay, Elena. I promise you back to yourself by tomorrow." I said. I kissed her on the lips lightly. I pulled back, putting back on my facade, ready to kill.

I walked out the room, pass everyone and straight out the door. Damon Salvatore is the only thing on my mind.

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