Chapter 9

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Elijah's POV

I lead Elena back into the house. She was working on auto pilot. Klaus, Sabine, and Sophie-Ann followed behind us. I sat Elena on the couch, still frozen. "When Hailey's pregnancy became known, I think any of it, but when I saw Elena and felt the same magic signature that Hailey have, I knew something was going on." Sabine said.

"What does that mean?" Klaus said.

"There was a legend or myth that four powerful witches would be born of the same blood, representing each element: fire,water,wind,and earth." Sophie-Ann said.

"And you believe that to be our unborn children?" I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose. I walked over to liquor cabinet and pulled out the Bourbon tumbler.

"That is why I said impossible. My vision finally completed itself." Sabine said.

"If this information were to come out to the witches. What reaction should I prepare myself for?" I asked, taking a sip of my Bourbon.

"Some will welcome the idea. Some will try to kill you." Sophie-Ann.

"But Elena will be able to protect herself if needed." Sabine said.

"Meaning?" I said, taking a seat in my leather recliner.

"Somehow, the babies are expelling magic into Elena. Even Hailey, but since Elena is carrying three babies, the magic is more potent." Sophie-Ann said.

"Techinically, Elena and Hailey is a temporary witch until the children are born." Sabine said.

"Another thing, they will be able to channel vampiric abilities that the children have, so like the Original strength." Sophie-Ann said.

"So that is why Elena was able to push off Rebekah when she attacked her the other night." I said.

Kol came waltzing in the room with a tray of food and sat it in front of Elena, who was still in shock at the moment.

"Lena, time to eat." Kol said. Elena didn't even bat an eye. "Woman, snap out of it! I slave over that hot stove for a long 15 minutes. Kol don't cook for nobody, unless they are carrying special cargo." Kol said.

Elena just stared ahead. I walked over and sat next to her. I grabbed her hand. "Elena, you need to eat. Its important to keep a steady diet." I said. She remained still.

"I have an idea!" Kol said, excited. He walked over and stood up Elena. Before I could register what he was doing, he kissed Elena. For a moment, no reaction, but Elena snapped out of her temporary daze and started to push at Kol's chest. He landed onto the couch.

"WHAT THE HELL, KOL?" Elena yelled, wiping at her mouth.

"Well, it wasn't enjoyable for me either, morning breath!" He said back.

"I wouldn't have morning breath if someone didn't drag me out my bed earlier this morning!" Elena snapped back.

I stood up and grasped her shoulders. I looked her in the eye. "Elena, ignore my brother and please eat the breakfast." I said. She simply nodded and flopped back onto the couch. Kol cut into her omelet and made airplane noises. Elena smacked the fork out of his hand. "I'm not a child!" Elena snapped back.

"That was for my nephews!" Kol said. He pulled out another fork. "Good thing I anticipated that." He said.

I snatched the fork from his hand and handed it over to Elena. "You think you real cute, don't you?" Elena said, smirking.

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