Chapter 10

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Caroline's POV

Everyone went their separate ways, while I remained in the living room with Klaus. Moments ago, everyone heard what Elena and Elijah's conversation. I think what Elena said struck a nerve within him. Klaus was sitting, nursing a glass of Bourbon, staring off into space. I sat across from him.

"Are you okay?" I asked

Klaus gulped down the Bourbon and went over to the liquor cabinet and poured some more. "I'm fine, love. Why wouldn't I be?" Klaus said nonchalantly.

"Really? Nothing to say about what Elena said?" I asked, shifting my gaze on him.

He stared into my eyes. "No, Caroline." He said. He took his original seat back.

"Elena has forgiven, if that means something to you at all, Klaus. I would take this opportunity to patch things up with her. Your child and her children will be a powerful coven and family. It will not be positive for the kids to see the uncle and aunt at each other throats." I said, frowning.

"As long as we we keep our distance from each other, we will coexist smoothly." Klaus simply said.

I stood up. "Why do you do that?" I said.

"Do what exactly?" Klaus asked, sipping on his Bourbon.

"You push people away. You keep everyone at a distance. Even your siblings get treated that way!" I growled. "It is okay to be guarded, but you have to let people in." I said.

"I've let you in! Besides, my siblings and I have a testy relationship." He growled back.

"Klaus, you only sneak preview of the true man behind this angry facade. As for your siblings, you started the rift in the relationship!" I said back.

"What does that suppose to mean?" He growled, eyes flashing golden.

"Klaus, I see how you treat your siblings. You treat them as your minions. You basically made your curse your family!" I said.

He stepped forward and smashed the glass in his hand. Blood seeped down his hand onto the floor and down his arm. "I wouldn't have had a curse if my mother didn't put one on me." The harshness made me flinch, but I didn't back down.

"Look at this point of view. Do you know what they felt when kept ranting about the hybrids? You gave them the sense of replacement. So, your siblings gave you everything you asked them, compensating for what their parents did to you. Then, you dagger them out of hate, then act surprised when they proclaimed to leave you when all was released by Stefan. Its not they didn't see as family, but they was tired of being second best to your hybrids. Hybrids that would have stabbed you in the back faster than you could blink." I said with conviction. Not even missing a beat.

I could see that he shutting down, becoming heartless. "I know there is more to you, Klaus. I don't doubt that. Elena is not like Katherine or Tatia. Just like you, she values family highly." I said.

It went silent. I felt tears sting my eyes when I thought about what I was going to say next. "I thought I never would say this, but I've fallin in love with you. As much as I want this between us, it can't be. Not yet anyways. You have too many demons you are not ready to confront, which means you can't be open for love. I can only promise friendship until then." I said. I wiped the stray tears from my face with my sleeve.

I went over and hugged Klaus. He was tense in my arms, but he hugged back. I pulled away and planted a light kiss on lips, lingering a second too long. I just wanted to to hold onto him. Let him whisk me upstairs, devouring every inch of my body with smoldering kisses, but I pulled away, avoiding his gaze. I turned around, walking away from the man I love.

Bonnie's POV

I was walking around the property, enjoying the scenery. "Kol, I can feel you watching me. Come out all ready." I said, rolling my eyes.

Kol sped up in front of me with a goofy grin on his face. "I would like to call that a love connection, Bon-Bon." Kol said, wagging his eyebrows.

"I would call it stalking. Look it up." I said, walking around him. Kol caught up with me, walking next to me. I looked out of the corner of my eye. Kol seemed like he was struggling, internal battle with himself. I took the moment to admire his features. His thick, glossy, chocolate hair ruffled. His face was of an angel, if you haven't met him before. Trust me, Kol is a VERY attractive man, but the bastard is to cocky for his own good. My eyes met his and his famous smirk is back.

"Admiring something, Bon-Bon?" Kol said suggestively.

I rolled my eyes. "You ruined a perfetly good moment." I walked faster, trying to rid myself of him. Kol took hold of my arm and turned me around. "Kol, what do you think you're doing?" I said, irritated.

"I like you, Bonnie. More than anyone I took interest in. You blew me away with your bravery and sassy attitude. You are the only woman that managed to leave me lost for words." He said, smiling. Not smirking, but a genuine smile.

"Are you sure?" You seemed to talk 24 hours a day!" I said back with my own smirk.

He smiled. "True. Anyways, I want to start as friends, then hopefully we could work our way to something more. If thats okay with you?" His eyes grew big, Brown eyes glistening. i would be lying to myself If I didn't say Kol has been taking a toll on me when he was last in Mystic Falls. "Friends." I said. I held my hand out. Instead, I found myself liplocked with Kol Mikaelson.

My hands involuntarily entangled with his hair pulling him closer. The kiss had my chest burning with desire. Kol pulled away slowly, his forehead against mine. My eyes still closed, opened up slowly, smouldering with lust. His eyes reflected the same. "Friends don't kiss, you know?" I said.

"To hell with norms, Bon-Bon. Life is too short." He said.

I quirked my eyebrow. "Kol, once again you are a vampire. I'm mortal." I said.

"Gives me more of a reason to pin you against a wall and kiss you breathless." Kol said, eyes darkening. He winked at me, before walking off. I laid down on the grass and sighed. Kol. Kol. Kol. I know I'm in a world of trouble with you.

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