Chapter 1

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Her apartment was swarmed with police, SHIELD agents, CIA, private investigators, FBI, even some Hydra agents. Blood stained the wall and floor of the apartment bedroom. By the looks of it, she didn't fight back. Was she sleeping? Was she killed so quick that she couldn't fight back? No one knew. Besides the killer. Fury entered the crammed apartment with a  hysterically crying Maria Hill behind him and Phil Coulson with his team. The rest of the Avengers weren't there nor were they told about what happened to Natasha. "We will not rest until this case is solved. Do I have myself clear?" He shouted and everyone replied in unison.

"Yes, sir." They all got back to work while the Director took a look around. He searched the room top and bottom and found only one thing that would be of any use. A diary that was kicked under the bed. He hid it in his jacket and walked back out to the workers.

"Was there a body?!" A woman with blonde hair came rushing up.

"I'm agent Sharon Carter and was first to the scene. When I arrived there was no body. Except a nose and a note that said Can't wait to see you at work my beautiful wife xx." Nick gave her a strange look.

"A nose? Does it mean anything?" She shook her head. "And the note, we will have to have everyone writing down on a bit of paper to match the writing."

"Not that we know of. We've checked the prisoners files and nothing said anything about a nose being chopped off." Fury nodded. He started to hear Hills crying and left for her sake. Before he left, he grabbed a file containing everything on what happened. The eleven people walked out and stood outside the two black USV's.

"You may all have a break. For something this tragic to happen deserves time off." Everyone was crying beside Coulson and Fury. Coulson let out a few tears but stayed strong for his team. Fury was screeching on the inside. Wanting to cry for the red headed Russian that was like a daughter to him. Everyone nodded and Phil's team made their way to a USV. Fury walked to his one and climbed into the drivers side and Maria took the passenger seat. "Do you wish to tell the Avengers?" She shakes her head and wipes her tears away. Only causing new ones to replace it.

"Who would do such a thing?" She spoke her first words of today. They sat in silence. Fury removed the diary and handed it to her.

"Do what you wish to this?" He chucks it on her lap and nods.

"I know exactly what to do." Fury nods and let's a tear drop before driving off to the Avengers tower.

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