Chapter 5

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"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No." Steve shoots up and ponders around the room, repeating the two letter word. "That's impossible. I would never do such a thing."

"It took me by surprise as well but you did." She gets up and walks towards him.

"But...but I love you. I wouldn't." Tears start falling from his eyes. "How? Why did I do it?"

"You were having a bad dream. So you got up and grabbed a knife and walked into our room. You woke me up and stabbed me over and over again. I didn't fight back. Mainly because I couldn't but also because I didn't want to hurt you. Anyway, you walked back out into the kitchen. Washed and dried the knife and hands. You chucked my body out a window, to which it basically exploded from the impact it had on the ground. You slept on the couch and left the note thinking I was asleep in the bedroom. But Steve, I don't blame you at all." His face was covered and streaming with tears. "Don't cry me a fricken river. What's done is done. Well done, you killed your wife."

"Nat, please I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Did I really do this? I love you so so much." He pulled the imaginary Natasha into a hug and she disappeared. Leaving Steve to drop to his knees and burst into tears. "Natasha! I love you!" He screamed over and over again through his tears.

"Steve? Is everything alright?" It was a British woman's voice that he had never heard before.

"Wh...who is it?"

"You don't know me but I'm Agent Simmons on Phil's team. Please open the door I need to talk to you about your fellow Avenger." He opened the door and let her in. "Your taller then what I thought."

"So what did you want to talk about?" Steve sat down on the couch and Jemma followed.

"We found her body. Well, what's left of it. She was dropped from the window but that wasn't what killed her. She had numerous stab wounds through her organs."

"Why are you telling me this?" He stated to get upset and angry hearing what he had done.

"I just thought you wanted to know. You were close friends. We also may have a lead. A lead that's not a bit of paper but an actual person." His head shoots up in worry.

"A person. Who?" His whole vibe was worry.

"Are you okay Captain Rogers? You seem to be hyperventilating." Jemma stood up and walked towards him. She put a hand on his shoulder but he jerked back. "Your extremely pale. Would you like me to call a doctor?"

"No. Please don't."

"Captain Rogers, you should really lie down." She walks off and gets a cold flannel while Steve settles down on his bed. The British woman comes running in and puts the cold material on his face. "Leave it there and go to sleep sir. It's for the best."

"Thank you, Agent Simmons." She walks to the door and stops. She turns to him.

"If you need anything, I will be in the living room." She smiles and walks off. He nods and shut his eyes and let his body go limp with the cold water dripping down his face.

~Dream~Steve's POV~

It was me and Nat laying stretched out across her couch. We were laughing, hugging and occasionally sharing a kiss. "Are you hungry my darling?" I asked my beautiful red headed angle.

"I am but I don't want you to move." I kissed her forehead and reached for the phone behind me.

"Pizza Hut or Papa Johns?"

"Pizza Hut all the way." I chuckled and phoned the closest place. I order our food then a few moments later the door goes.

"I will get it my darling." I kissed her soft, warm lips and head to the door. When I turn back she's crying. Her head in her hands. Letting out small weeps. "Natasha, what's wrong?"

"You killed me Steve! You didn't love me! Ever! Why?!" She stood up in fury and I put the boxes down and try and walk towards her.

"Please Nat. I love you and always have and will. I didn't mean it I swear." I go to touch her arm but she shoots my stomach. I cry out in pain from my heart shattering. "Natasha! Please I love you!" Everything goes black and just shows her leaving.

"No shit!" Sarcasm dripping from her extremely angry tone.

~Dreams over~No POV~

Steve woke up with tears streaming his face and a sting pain on his cheek. Agent Simmons stood next to the bed and moved to the end to sit down. "I'm sorry sir. You were screaming and crying and I had to wake you. Are you alright?" She was full of concern and Steve liked that. A British woman he has never met before was caring for him like Natasha would even though they just met.

"I'm fine. Thank you." She chuckled lightly. "What?"

"Who would've thought. A worse liar then me and he also turned out to be Captain America. So now I know what I look like when I lie." He removes the flannel and smiles. "I should get going. Fitz has probably broke something in the lab but it was nice meeting you and we will try our hardest to find the killer." She laughed and got up from the bed.

"Don't." He spoke before his mind could register. When that one word left his mouth he just wanted a gun and bullet.

"What?! Don't you want closure or knowing that your friend is now in peace and their killer has been killed." Jemma sat back down with shock. She sent her mind to work until it had an answer. "Unless..." Her eyes widen on what she was thinking.

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